"Chimchim, what's wrong?" as asked as he rose from the bed and went towards the door.

"Why do you treat me like this, hyung? I only asked!" he whined and started pacing back to his room.

"Jimin, I'm sorry. Come back!" Jin yelled after him but as soon as he finished his sentence he heard a loud noise which meant that the boy slammed the door behind him.

"Hormones" Jin decided and went back to his room, leaving Jimin to cool down.

Jimin: When will you be home?

Yoongi: Why are you texting me, Jimin?


Yoongi: ....

Yoongi: Now... that was uncalled for...

Jimin: Whatever...

Yoongi stared at his screen for a while. Jimin barely texted him. He looked around the studio and threw the phone on the nearby couch. He sat down to revert listening to the mix he was analyzing. He hit play and the composition started from the beginning, yet Yoongi didn't realize when it ended and how long he had been sitting in silence until he decided to pick up his phone and backpack and find the driver. He texted Jimin from the car.

Yoongi: I am on my way home.

Jimin had his headphones on and music was blasting through them at maximum volume when the song was interrupted by the notification. He looked at the text and he smiled. For some unknown reason, he read the text three times before simply drifting to sleep.

When Yoongi arrived in his room, Jin was folding clothes absentmindedly and placing them in a suitcase, preparing for his own vacation after all the concerts in Japan. The house was weirdly quiet without everybody frantically training for events or shoots. He liked it.

"Hello, hyung. Do you happen to know if Jimin is home?" Yoongi asked.

Jin opened the same drawer of his nightstand. "Let me check my..." He remembered Jimin's reaction and just let it go. "Yeah, I believe he is still sulking in his room. I don't think he is in the best of moods. You might want to give him some space if you don't want to end up in a fight."

Jin was left speaking to himself as Yoongi was already outside the door. He knocked on the one across the hall. There was a faint sound of music coming from inside but no answer. Going against his better judgment, Yoongi pushed the door open and as he entered the room he could see Jimin sleeping to the obnoxiously loud music coming from his headphones.

In a heartbeat, Yoongi closed the door and went to the bed. He convinced himself that it was his duty to try and stop the music from hurting Jimin's ears and took the headphones off the boy and settled them near the bed. Naturally, Jimin moved in his sleep and opened his eyes slightly, eyelids still heavy.

"Hyung?" he whispered softly and Yoongi found himself looking at his lips. "I'm cold." He purred.

His voice was uttering syllables as if they were musical notes of their own. Yoongi's heart sank. He took Namjoon's bedcover and threw it over the shivering maknae. Somehow, he was aware that his own hands began trembling as he stood there, unsure if Jimin is even conscious enough to realize who was with him or if the younger one would wake up to talk.

"Hyung..." Jimin had his eyes closed. "Please stay with me...." Spoke his perfectly pink lips as the notes crashed against Yoongi's heart again. He drowned in the beauty of the barely audible music of Jimin's breathing. He stood there and listened closely. It was better than any other mix he had heard.

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