"Bozhe moy." The metal giant says, crouching down and hiding the girl with him, extending his arm upwards to divert the bus from them.

Colossus takes a piece of the bus and starts hitting the villain. (Y/n) tries to punch Juggernaut, but fails to find a weakness. Juggernaut throws the (h/c) on the wall, kicking her head with all his might, sinking the girl into the created crater. Her vision darkens, managing to see the villain going over Colossus before passing out.

She opens her eyes, her vision slowly returning to normal. The metal giant carried her in his arms, looking ahead absently. The girl can feel a hot liquid coming down her forehead, she figured it was blood. She pats Colossus on the shoulder and he slowly places her on the floor.

"Did I miss the ending?" She asks jokingly.

"You're in the middle of it." Wade replies.

The group keeps walking to leave, until the orphanage director appears, shouting as he runs after the group.

"All you dirty mutants are gonna rot in Hell with the boy! Your souls are beyond redemption!" The man shouts.

"Let's see your soul, perv!" The man who had hugged (Y/n) earlier yells back, pulling a pocket knife.

"No! No, no, no more!" Wade says, preventing him from going to the man "We're better than that- We're better than him!" He continues, making the whole group look at him "No more senseless violence, no more bloodshed!"

"Please, let me kill him just a little bit." the (h/c) whispers to Wade, causing the strange man to laugh and Colossus to put his hand on her shoulder, as if to say it was not a good idea.

"Let karma take care of him." The mercenary says.

"The day of reckoning is here!" He shouts, opening his arms.

Soon after, Dopinder's taxi crosses the place, running over the man.

"I'm gonna miss him, he seemed great." Deadpool says.

"Woo! Got him, motherfuckers!" Dopinder yells, walking over to the group.

"Ain't karma, motherfucker." Domino says.

(Y/n) and Deadpool start laughing, Wade says something, but the girl is too busy with her laugh to listen.

"I want some more." Dopinder says.

"I bet you do, Brown Panther." The mercenary says.

"We shall leave before Fuckernaut wakes up." Colossus says, making a little joke and then laughing, showing a hole between his teeth.

The group ignores what the metal giant says and changes the subject. (Y/n) looks at the man and gives a smile, he was extremely cute with the lack of one of his teeth, and the silly laugh he gave when he made the joke, made the girl's heart melt.

"If I tell you: you look cute without your tooth, would you stay like this?" She asks, walking beside the mutant.

"No, but thank you." He says seriously, but then gives a smile, showing the hole again.

"Now that I fucked you all up, I think I'll head home." Deadpool says, dragging Dopinder with him.

"I need a shower, so I'm going with him." She says, waving to the rest of the group.

"Russel, you are coming with us, right?" (Y/n) asks, looking curiously at the boy.

"I still don't know what to do." He replies, clearly uncertain.

"Don't worry, we can take you to the mansion and you can think there. At least you'll have a roof to be under." She says holding out her hand to him, as if asking what he thought of it.

"I'll take up that offer, hot stuff." he replies, smiling 'seductive'.

"I'm too old for you, kid." The girl says, laughing at it like it's a joke.

"Not too old for my taste." He comes closer to her.

"Alright, big guy. Let's go home already." She says, walking with Colossus to the jet, Russel following.

"Hey, can I take up that offer too?" The strange man asks.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't even know your name."

"It's Nathan Summers and I don't have a place to go either." He says, giving (Y/n) a silly smile.

She blushes a little, getting embarrassed. The man really was handsome.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Colossus says to her, noticing the exchange of looks.

"It's alright, he helped us and I need some answers from him." She says, returning the smile.

The metal giant didn't like it at all, but he let it happen, walking with his arms crossed to the plane. The four return to the mansion, (Y/n) shows a room to Russel and another to Cable (she found out what his nickname was). When Colossus and the girl finally sit on the sofa, completely exhausted, they hear the rest of the children from the orphanage coming in, making them sigh loudly.

If He would Just Notice! (Colossus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now