What's your emergency? Boredom.

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"Come on, Midtown Tech, clean up and follow me!" Enfys only waited a few minutes before leaving through the double-doors. Peter hastily pushed past the other students to catch up, following Enfys to the elevator.

"Where are we going now?" Peter asked.

"Intern labs! Everyone in!"

The students chattered excitedly amongst themselves as the elevator descended. FRIDAY dropped them off at what Peter recognised as one of the lowest intern levels.

"Roman! Roman, over here!" Enfys called.

A man who was presumably Roman looked up from where he was sitting cross-legged on a desk, scrolling through his phone. His face split in a grin.

Peter recognised him. They had talked a few times, mainly at 3am when they were both acting like the tower's local cryptid.

He was short but not overly, the top of his head coming to Enfys' eye level when they stood side-by-side. He was dressed in the same uniform as Enfys, except with a black hoodie piled over the top that covered his athletic lankiness. His hair was a pale brown-ish blonde, with brown coming in at the roots. He dyed his hair every now and then, explaining the bleached colour, but often didn't re-dye it. Forgetfulness or choice, Peter didn't know.

"Alright everyone! As you know, I am your general tour guide, but Roman here is your tour guide for the intern labs. So he's in charge. Got it?" Enfys said.

There was a chorus of 'yeps' and 'yups'.

"Let's get going!" Roman said excitedly, talking as he walked them around, "As you know, these are the intern labs, but this is only one level of many. Most intern labs are in the lower half of the tower, where interns are given free reign for their projects. The paid scientists are higher up but they do come down every now and then."

One girl, Molly, stuck her hand up, "Will we see your lab?"

"Maybe," Roman responded, "depends how quickly we can move, since I'm up a few levels."

Molly nodded.

Roman made to continue the tour, but a newer intern tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can we borrow Peter?" she asked, nodding in his direction.

"Only if Peter wants to help," Roman turned a questioning gaze to him.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Sure," Peter slipped out of the crowd and followed the intern to a group of three others, huddled around a long equation written on a whiteboard. They let him through, and one handed him a marker.

He skimmed over the long line of numbers, letters & symbols. His eyes quickly caught what was wrong.

"Decimal point's in the wrong place," he said, erasing and redrawing it in the write place, "Try recalculating it now."

He tossed the marker at one of the interns, who fumbled to catch it. Peter walked back to his group as the four interns huddled around the board and re-solve the equation.

"Right, let's go," Roman continued the tour.

An hour later and Peter was exhausted. Embarrassed, too, but mostly exhausted.

Tony had to have rigged something. Talked with the interns, maybe?

No matter what level he was on, people were pulling him aside, asking him questions, and presenting him with problems. The interns asked for his help normally whenever he came down, but never this many and for such fickle things. Nine groups (and two individuals) had a misplaced decimal point, and that was just the most common error. It was so simple too, and the other 'issues' weren't much harder. Only two people had presented him with something where he could understand them needing his help.

Any other day would have been fine. Any other day. But now he was painfully aware of his classmates' presence and he was certain they were all judging him. All of them. Well, except Ned, and MJ didn't count because she was always judging people, regardless of the circumstances.

It was almost morbidly reassuring. No matter what happened, MJ would always be there to criticize your life choices and sketch the results.

Just when Peter was convinced this day couldn't get any worse, good ol' Parker Luck kicked in again.

"Just a moment, I gotta take this," Roman said, whipping out his ringing phone.

"Hello? Yes, yes it's me. What do you mean a 'situation'? Where? Alright, we'll be up in ten."

Roman turned to Enfys, "Tom's having a problem up in his lab, we gotta go."

"Alright, uh, give me a moment," Enfys scanned the Midtown kids, "Peter! Can you lead the tour? We're already behind schedule and can't loose anymore time."


They were gone. The eyes of the class turned expectantly to Peter. Ms Cassano looked scandalised.

"Um, uh," Peter tried.

"Need a hand?" a voice came from behind Peter. He turned and saw Jordan. The rush of relief that hit his body was better then cocaine.

Or maybe not. Peter didn't know. He'd never tried cocaine before.

"Aya and I are working on our project just in the next room, we thought your class might want to see it," Jordan offered.

"You thought his class would want to see it," Aya stuck her head around the doorway, irritation etched on her face.

"It's fine," Jordan reassured, "Come on."

Peter nervously nodded for his class to follow Jordan. Whatever 'problem' had dragged Enfys and Roman away, it had better be a big one!

Meanwhile, several levels up, safely tucked away in the Design Labs, Roman was dishing out a deck of cards.

Enfys leaned back in her chair, "So what's the emergency again?"

"I told Roman that I was bored," Tom grinned, snatching up his deck.

"Hmm, valid. Anyone want something to drink?"

Whoops, look who didn't update. I could give you a long list as to why, but I know y'all probably won't care, so I won't bother.

Happy Australia Day!

Also I'm now an Australian citizen as of today!!!!! I'm so happy!

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