Example 5

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Different Custom Birthday and Our Gift

Nuril and i have different custom in celebrating a birthday. Nutil was my classmate in high school. Our month of birth is the same, but the date is defferent. In celebrating her birthday, Nuril always held a birthday party or surprise party in a restaurant or cafe that was booked by her parents and by inviting her friends. In her party a lot of frirnds came. Of course she will get lots of gifts. There was cholate cake. She blow out the candles and praying then start sciling the cake. After we ate the cake next, there was a band performance fron her friends. Taht was a fun party. I remember at the time her parents gave a motor gifts for Nuril. Different from my birthday. The custom on my birtday means spending time with my family. My family and i celebrated birtda by having dinner together at my mother's favorite restaurant. I don't want special gift, but my best friend always surprise me, they give me a gift or anything what i want. I hope on my next birthday, i always celebrate with a complete family. That's pray is very important and special gift for me.
     To conclude, the maib differences between Nuril and i is how we celebrate a birthday. Whether celebrating a birthday by having party or not, that's unimportant. It's just a form of gratitude to God, and ask for the best pray for our life.


Writing by Ika Vivit Fitriany.

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