Chapter 2: Ouma

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Ouma awoke to Tragedy meowing at him from her normal perch on the extravagant play system he had installed for his cat.
He sat up, looking out his wall-to-wall window, looking at the view of the city.

He sighed and crawled out from his sheets, padding over to the kitchen to make coffee. He out on the coffee pot, stroking Tragedy on the chin. He glanced to the Calendar on his wall and did a double take.

"It's Saturday.. This week flew by." He said to Tragedy, but mainly to himself. He was excited to see Shuichi, despite having seen him the just a week ago.

After the graduated, they had set a day and time to meet every week, like clockwork. If the other had plans, they'd try and move the time, and if they couldn't, it just meant more stories to tell.

A familiar ring snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at his phone and saw the words, "Manager" sprawled across the screen. He sighed and left it to go to voicemail. He didn't want to deal with his manager today.

Today was Shuichi day.

Ouma was well aware that he had feelings for Shuichi. He had since they were kids. He had suffered through Shuichi's wedding, and when he found out Shuichi was going to have a baby..

Let's say he hadn't felt that hurt. Ever.

Ouma has always been there for Shuichi, through thick and thin. It seemed a bit unfair that he chose Mizuchi over him.

Ouma accepted this after a while, though. Mizuchi was a detective, and so was Shuichi. They fit together. A detective and a model? Not so much.

Ouma looked at his phone. 7:00 am. He'd been up since 5.

He scratched Tragedy one last time and went to go get dressed for the day.  A purple hoodie and checkered overalls. Perfect. He looked in his mirror and grinned. Not to boost his own ego, but Ouma, as normal, looked flawless. A cute face, slender figure, and fun hair. Gorgeous.

Ouma skipped back to the kitchen and poured food and water for Tragedy. He walked over to his Floor-to-ceiling mirror and took a photo of his outfit. He posted it on his feeds and put his phone in his bag.

He then looked at his watch and got up. 7:15 am. Time to get moving.

Ouma left his apartment and locked it, walking quickly to the lobby. He waved to one of the residents as he passed, walking out into the crisp Spring air. He walked to parking garage and got into his car, blasting his music quite loudly as he drove to Phantom Café.

He seemed to have forgotten his coffee.

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