Chapter 1, The beginning

Start from the beginning

We gathered all of our supplies and tried to stay calm.

It was completely dark by the time they came back, but this time we where ready. Mac had the idea to take our knifes and tie them to the end of long sticks so we didn't have to waste any bullets. This time they came in fewer numbers, only about 6 wolfs this time. They didn't seem to concerned with the fire like we expected so we just waited for them, but they stayed there distance and eventually left. Me and Mac took turns keeping watch while the other slept. I offered to take the first shift but he insisted, "Its cool bro, I want to take the first shift" he insisted every time I tried to.

Right when I had fallen asleep, I was being shaken awake. "Hey bro, you hear that?" Mac asks as he frantically shook me awake. "No, what is it?" I replied. Thats when the sound of heavy breathing and quiet whispering crept into my ears. We slowly gathered our supplies and put the fire out. The only place I could think to go was away from the voices. About 100 yards separated us from them. I had one of them in my sights when the short fat man announced "My name is Rick, and you two have seen something you shouldn't have, and unfortunately you must not tell anyone about it ever. You now must be dealt with." Those words rang through my ears like a bell at a funeral. I grabbed my bag and rifle and gave Mac a look that he quickly returned, pure fear.

We were almost to the front door of the Macs house when we saw signs that someone had been there. The front window was shattered and the door was half open, we immediately ran to the door pistols drawn, what we witnessed inside was horrific. It was like a scene from a horror movie, the whole living room was torn up, everything was destroyed, to make things worse there was blood on the floor, not just a few drops but it seemed like a whole pool of it had been dumped out on the floor. I could hardly stand to see Mac like this. As we went through his house tears game powering out like he hand never cried before. We went through the whole house without finding either of his parents. I was going up to his room when I heard a scream that made the hair on my arms stand straight up. I sprinted down the spiral staircase that led to the basement. There I saw my best friend, my brother, gasping for air as he was holding his mom in his arms and dad at his side. Asking, pleading with God "Why would you do this to me? Why did you have to take them? They had nothing to do with this!" Thats when it hit me. How would those men know where Mac lived, and what did he mean by "they had nothing to do with this" when neither did we, or so I thought. About 10 minutes had past and there we sat, wondering what Mac was not telling me, and what did Rick mean by "we have seen something we shouldn't have?" These questions raced through my mind faster than a bullet traveling out of a gun. I was in deep thought when Mac interrupted with tears still flowing down his face "Hey bro, we need to gather all that we can. Both here and at your place. I will explain on the way to my grandmas house. So we started searching the house for things, we were half way up the stairs when I had realized, his grandma died when he was 5. But I decided to ask later and worry about what was happening now. It took us thirty minutes to grab things we needed. The best thing we could find was a few cases of water, some food and a shotgun. Mac grabbed his dads working computer, along with a few other objects his dad owned. He also grabbed the picture of him and his parents, seeing the picture should him up. It was one they had taken the year before when he got to go to Disney world in Florida, it was the first time I didn't get to go with them on vacation. I never knew why, but he had fun. Mac was starting to break down in a way i'm not used to. He has always been fairly confident, and happy, whenever something bad happened he looked at the bright side of things. With what he just went through though, I couldn't blame him.

The car ride back to my house went by quick. No words were said between us, just a few

" Bro, you ok?" here and there. It was an uneventful car ride, it was a good break and a good time to think. When we got to my house I went straight up to my room, grabbed my phone and called the police. When I picked it up to dial 9-1-1, I saw that I had no signal on my phone, so I grabbed the house phone, same thing. I yelled to Mac that we had to leave asap. I told Mac to grab all the food he could find. I went into my closet and grabbed my other hunting equipment, and a bag I had made up if I ever had to leave. It had about $1,000 in it, some pants and shirts, a toothbrush, and a key to a security box. I never knew what was in the box. My dad gave it to me and said if I was ever in trouble, the only problem is the bank it was in, was located in Georgia. I was sorting through things in my bag when it hit me, I was exhausted. I slowly leaned back on my bed and looked around my small room. I didn't have a lot in my room, a small desk, dresser, and my bed. It wasn't much but it was mine. I was leaning up as Mac came bursting through my door, "Dude you have too see what I found, your not going to believe what I found!" I followed him into my parents room and into their closet. I never went in their room, it didn't seem right to go in there with dad being gone. When we got into the closet, he pushed some coats back and Mac called it, I could not believe what I saw.

It was like it wasn't even my house! After Mac moved over the coats, I saw what looked like a small hatch. When I pulled it, a whole door appeared. We slowly walked inside but couldn't see anything. I grabbed my flashlight and turned it on. There in the middle of a small dusty room was a beautiful Ford f-150. I could not believe that this was just sitting right next to my parents room! Mac found the light switch and flipped it on. I ran to the truck with excitement, and tried to open the door. I couldn't believe that it was locked, and I had no idea where the key was! Mac slowly walked over with something in his hand, "Looking for this?" he said with a smirk on his face. I was so relieved, "Where was it" I questioned. "In one of the coat pockets" he explained. We walked over to the car and I unlocked it, when the door opened it smelled like it was brand new. "When did you guys get this" Mac asked "No idea man" I replied. We both got in and looked around, "How are we going to get out?" he asked "I have no idea". After a few minutes of looking around Mac opened his glove compartment and found a garage door opener. "Should I try this?" "Sure" after he pushed it, all the sudden a bunch of bright lights turned on around us. We just sat there thinking nothing was happening, when I noticed that we were slowly moving up. It took about a minute before we were in the backyard of my house. "Bro I never knew about this!" I said with a slight smile on my face. The excitement quickly fled the air as we drove away and saw in the mirror three men going into my house.

"So where is your grandmas house" I asked, "This might sound crazy, but she lives in Wisconsin" "What? How are we going to get there? I didn't grab my passport, I can't get into Canada without it." He had a smirk on his face and pulled out my passport, "How did you..." "It was in your parents bedroom he interrupted." "O, Well I guess we will head to Wisconsin"

So what did you guys think?

This is my first time on wattpad, so im just starting to learn thing

new chapter coming soon :)

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