"Wait, really?" The two of you questioned with excitement.

"Of course! Now let's move on to Y/n, shall we." Angela said as she stretched out her fingers. "Y/n. Not Tessa. Got it?" You gave the type of nod you're supposed to give your teacher after they've explained something for twenty minutes. "Good, and your mum better practise calling you that." 

"I'll try." 

As soon as she said that, you could feel the tension in the room rise like the hairs on the back of your neck when you hear a shrill scream.

"No you won't." She paused. "You will." 

You wanted to laugh at how hilarious this all was. But, as hilarious as this is, it is very serious. You just didn't know it. Yet.

"Anyways," Chad brought the tension down, "since it's the holidays, you have no school. Obviously. And since we're in the Southern Hemisphere during Christmas time, these are the long holidays. Therefore, you're going to be home alone quite a lot. You're going to get pretty lonely." You nodded along, not too fussed about that. You don't mind being alone.

"Luckily," Angela cut in, "there are summer sports camps that you can participate in and meet new people."

"Sports?" You asked in worry. 

You can't do sports. You have zero co-ordination, and zero fitness. Every sport you've ever participated in was either because you were forced to, or you decided to try and have some fun.

Key word: Try

"What sports?"

"Well, they'll have athletics, rowing, cricket, and swimming." Angela said with a way too enthusiastic voice. But your eyes lit up at swimming. You've always been able to do that. You don't even think there was ever a time you couldn't swim.

"I'll do swimming." You said straight up, no questions about it.

"Okay. And, just to let you know, we leave tomorrow morning." Chad said, again with not much emotion in his voice. Sometimes it felt like he didn't want to be here, but knowing his backstory, why wouldn't he? Chad is a very difficult person to read.

"We'll take you over to meet the coach now. I'm pretty sure there is a three day camp that starts tomorrow." Angela started searching for her keys as your mouth dropped open in surprise.


"Yes, of course. If we're gonna do it soon, why not now?"

"Three day camp of swimming. Do we sleep over at the pool or something?" Your clueless self was laughable.

"No silly. It is just three days of sport. You get to go home to sleep of course." Angela ruffled your her as she spoke. 


"Let's go. We'll leave your mum to sort out some stuff for work." Chad got up and headed to the car as you followed Angela. 

You got to the pools and the chemical smell of chlorine was as strong as Chad's silent farts that no one talks about.

"Woah, people are training today? Isn't it Sunday?" You were amazed at the number of people doing reps up and down the indoor pool. There were even more in the outdoor pool.

"Yes, people take this sport very seriously. Are you sure you're up for this?" Angela looked at you, almost concerned.   

To be honest, you haven't properly swam since you were 13 or so. But, come on, how hard can it be?

"Sure, let's do this!" You strutted towards the 25 meter pool as Angela and Chad followed behind. Mid strut you stopped and scooted to the side to let them pass. You didn't know where you were going.

Angela walked up to what appeared to be the coach who was blowing his whistle and yelling words you had no comprehension of. 

"Coach." Angela stopped next to him and waited. He continued his session of yelling and turned to her.

He looked like a frog because his eyes were popping out of their sockets.

"Angie!" He exclaimed loudly and engulfed her in a massive bear hug. "What brings you here?" He asked as he pulled out of the embrace.

"I have brought another "client" here." She beamed at him and you noticed Chad shift uncomfortably next to you. 

"Another? Just like the last one?" He appeared to be quite close with her.

"Well, she also came from Korea, so I guess."

"But not quite?" He looked at Angela's still overjoyed face in question.

"Not same, but equal."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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