Chapter 9 - Cure Mermaid X Reader

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Minami's POV

"Minami!" Haruka continuously yelled from outside my door. I blocked her voice out while trying to study my notes before the test we had today with Dorm mother. The subject was rather hard, so for a while now I was at it with my books. For some reason nothing made sense, but I guess I deserve it for not sleeping earlier. "Minami! You promised that you'd help me study!" Haruka pounded on the door once more. "I almost forgot" I said setting the book to the side. 

As I stood up, a different knock on the door ringed out. "MINAMI!!!" Kirara belched out. Well someone didn't wake up on the right side. I finally reached the door with the slowest pace possible. "Are you guys finished with the knocking?" I asked right before noticing Y/n about to knock as well, but forced their hand down instantly. "Sorry friends, but there's a lot of studying I have to help myself to first" I stated before slowly closing the door. Haruka stopped the door first.

"Why don't we all study together?" Haruka insisted. "That's a great idea! And we could have snacks as well to absorb that knowledge!" Kirara said in the midst of a bite of her jelly donut. "I also have flash cards which do a  really good job with memory!" Y/n said living up the mood. "Alright then. If we do this fast and properly, we can ace this test. I'm sure of it!" I said lifting my hand in the air. "Yeah!" everyone else joined in also. Everyone spread out their books, and began flipping through pages, sticky noting, highlighting, writing, annotating, their usual!

Reader's POV

-Time Skip-

It was around 1 in the afternoon, and everyone began dozing off to sleep. The test started at 2 o'clock, and it would take us no more than 15 minutes to go down the stairs to the classroom. This was the final test of the school year, and it was about constellations and kingdoms. I can see why Kirara and Towa wouldn't be so nervous about this test, they're basic pros! Haruka and Kirara were knocked out like a light while I was barely holding myself up from drifting asleep. Minami was done with her studying, and had her books neatly sorted on the shelves. 

"Minami" I whispered from behind my small textbook. Minami turns her head to my direction, and tilts her head in confusion. "What's up?" Minami asks fully adjusting herself on the chair. I opened the book from the middle, walked to Kirara, sat down near her ear, and slammed the book closed between my two palms. Kirara made no sound, but flinched a tad before drifting off once again. "What are you doing?" Minami said crossing her arms with a stern expression.

"Liven up. We have a test soon, and we should head in energetic. I'm just trying to wake them up in a fun way" I whisper shouted. "Well then try harder, Y/n" Minami suggested whilst handing over a much thicker textbook based on shells. I waltzed up to Haruka who was drooling in their sleep, possibly dreaming about cakes again. I opened the book half way again, positioned it near her ear, and slammed the book closed. "BAM!" I shouted in sync, and at that, Haruka awakened.

"What the heck happened?!" Haruka stood up in a fighting stance, a book balancing on their head that slid off, right onto her foot. "Ouch!" Haruka began hopping around holding her foot in pain and agony. One thing lead to another, the books on the shelf fell onto of Kirara, yet rarely phased her. Haruka actually fell on top of Kirara, and that woke her up. "What's going on?" Kirara said lifting her head to see the issue. Just then, a book slid down the shelf, and bonked her nose. "Oof..." Kirara muttered.

Just as the noise died down, running steps came outside from in the hall. Once the stepping sounds halted, the door swung open, and revealed Towa already in their uniform, ready for the test. "You guys, you're gonna be-" Towa began before a final small book smacked on her head from the same bookshelf that sent Haruka and Kirara back to sleep. "Should I ask?" Towa said before rubbing her head steadily. Minami and I snickered in amazement, and shook our head.

Towa, placed the book down on the table, and left the room. Haruka came around once again, and began whirring around like a top spinner. "Can someone explain what happened to us?" Haruka said plopping down on the chair Minami was once sitting in. "Well Y/n did try her hardest is all I'm gonna say" Minami nudged my shoulder a tad. "Let's just say I sent you off to sleep" I joked before hearing Kirara make a loud rumble from her stomach. "The test!" Kirara yelped.

"That woke her up?" I asked watching her run down the hallway in surprise. "The things she does for food" Minami said before giggling, I laughed along with her. As I turned around, Haruka was already helping out with fixing the books back on their shelf in their intended order. "Oh, you don't have to Haruka" Minami said waving her hands around in denial. "No it's okay! I made the mess" Haruka laughed kinda nervous of messing up. " Well it was more because of me" I stated stepping in. 

"Aw it's okay, Y/n. I encouraged you to proceed" Minami said placing a hand on my shoulder. "Oh, well if you insist" I said gaining a little tint on my cheeks. I regained my composure, and decided that Haruka needed help. "Haruka, that book is an E, not an O" I said taking the book, and replacing it with it's other fellow books. "Oh well, it can't be helped" Minami said while also grabbing some books, and setting them on their own separate bookshelves. 

Let's just say we were one minute close to getting late for our test, but we had the best belly laugh ever. At least Minami and I had. Haruka and Kirara kinda were a part of it. Towa was completely clueless as to what we were laughing about. During the test, we kinda quietly snickered remembering how Haruka wiggled around confused, and how Kirara woke up thanks to her stomach. All because Minami encouraged me to try even harder. Yeah, we should study together more often.

Word Count: 1079

Princess Precure X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora