"Oh, you already know but why skip the formalities? I'm Harry" he stands at and holds out his hand. I stand, take his hand and shake, "Melanie, but you can call me Mel, or Nie - that's what my friend calls me. You can call me Melanie though if you want, I don't mind-" he cuts me off. Of course I nervously rambled. "It's nice to meet you Mel" he smiles and gestures towards the door, "I hope I get some worthy photos". I walk out, thanking him again for the opportunity and go off to find Sammy, who should be with Jace.

It doesn't take me long to spot her in the crowd, not many people have entered yet but she had with Jace. He was dressed up as a zombie - I think. It wasn't really clear, just some ripped up clothes, stained with fake blood and green patches painted onto his face. He was fairly tall, much taller than Sammy anyway, which made him a lot taller than my short arse.

Sammy embraces me in a tight hug, already signing along to the song and dancing. To have her energy would be crazy. I decide to hold on for a bit before I start taking photos, let the crowd build up first. "Loosen up a bit NieNie" Sammy shouts. She pulls me over to the bar. "Sammy you know me and alcohol don't mix well" I say shaking my head when she asks what drink I want. Her and Jace both get straight vodkas.

"Just one" she gives me puppy dog eyes. "And not WKD, you need try a different drink and maybe you'll find one you actual like, or at least tolerate" she laughs. "Yeah come on Mel" Jace agrees with Sammy, of course.

"Well what do you think I should get then?" It never takes long at all for Sammy to convince me. Sammy and Jace look at each other for a second, "I think maybe something like a mimosa?" Jace suggests. Sammy nods frantically, "yes yes yessss" and orders the drink.

I hesitantly take it but smile and say thank you anyway. I take a small tester sip, I squint my eyes and purse my lips for a second at the bubbly citrus taste, but then relax and realise it actually didn't taste too bad. I take a larger sip. "And the verdict is..." Sammy says, already ordering another drink. "It's actually alright" I respond. She seems really happy about it, but when doesn't she? Jace chuckles and toasts his second vodka in the air before taking a large gulp.

It seems like everyone is in now, it's packed and the music seems to have gotten even louder. I find a spot away from the dance floor, and begin to take photos. I take some from the middle of the crowd too, but I wanted to be careful with my camera so I don't stay there too long. I was actually enjoying taking the photos, the club had a really stunning aesthetic with a purple glow that illuminated the club.

There's a spiral staircase leading up to a second floor which is like a giant balcony over looking the bottom floor, I nudge Sammy and point to the staircase

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There's a spiral staircase leading up to a second floor which is like a giant balcony over looking the bottom floor, I nudge Sammy and point to the staircase. She nods, understanding I want to go up and she leads me up there. Jace follows too.

"How's the... photos going?" Jace asks, he dragged out the 'the' like he was trying hard to remember why I was actually here. It's been a couple hours so they're both drunk now. I had a couple more of the drink I had earlier - was it a mimoosa? Mimasa? Something like that. I felt a little looser and light headed, but no sick feeling which was nice, and I definitely was not even close to how drunk Jace and Sammy were.

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