Chapter 1

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TW: Cutting, bleeding, self harm, suicidal thoughts.

Tamaki slowly drew the blade across his wrist. Blood started to trickle down onto the floor while slowly gathering to make a puddle. Tamaki just kept cutting, more and more. He just couldn't stop...

But first, let's rewind to earlier that day:

It all started a long time ago, just after Tamaki's parents had died. He was only 13 when he moved in with his Aunt and Uncle. His Aunt was never home and spent her days at the Casino gambling all her money away, and his Uncle was no better. He drunk alcohol frequently and would always blame Tamaki for his parent's death.

"You useless brat! If my sister and her idiotic husband hadn't stood in front of you at that villain attack, she would be alive!"

After a while, Tamaki started to believe it. He had never told anybody about what his Aunt and Uncle would say and do, but when the UA Dorms were implemented he was delighted. He tried to leave as quickly as possible. His Aunt and Uncle were also glad to be rid of him.

"Hey, Tamaki~ we're gonna be late for class! C'mon, I heard the bell ring!" Mirio shouted as he banged on the door. Tamaki sleepily stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. All of the third years were given personal bathrooms, bigger rooms and small kitchens.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Just wait." Tamaki mumbled as a reply. He pulled on some clean clothes and washed his face. Quickly, he ran out of the door. "O-Oh! I'm sorry!" Tamaki said as he crashed into Mirio who stood just outside the door. "Its okay Tamaki! Let's just start going to class now" Mirio said as he gave one of his signature thumbs-up. Both of them walked to class in complete silence. Nothing happened between them, they just didn't know what to say. After a few minutes, they reached the classroom. Just as they sat down, their teacher walked in.

The class was going normal until the teacher dropped the bombshell. "So guys, today we are doing some presentations! The topic is something we just recently learned so.."

Tamaki stopped listening, "How am I going to do this. I barely know anything about the topic and I hate public speaking." He thought. All he could hope for was that he was last.

"So here is the list of who is going, you can all get your papers ready in a minute.

So first is Neijire Hadou, Fukase Masago, Osaki Inoue, Hirota Kinnojo, Ota Benjiro, Yoshiee Cho, Mirio Togata, Akiya Shiro, Kuroda Shizuka, Yuuri Katsuki (;D), Cherri Boxie, Booky Shelly, and Tamaki Amajiki! So many people are absent because of the villain attack. Okay, you may get your papers now!"

Tamaki let out a breath of relief. Everyone's presentations were very good, and before he knew it, it was his turn. "Now its Tamaki! Good luck." The teacher called out.

Tamaki walked to the top of the room and begun his presentation. "S-so um, Hero-ism started because. Well- I guess v-villains started a-appearing after quirks did and-"

"Booo!" Someone shouted from the back of the room. People started to laugh and point. The teacher tried to calm them all down but it was no use. Mirio started to walk over to the person who had first boo-ed Tamaki.

"Listen here, you better shut up right now! Tamaki is doing great up there. So let him finish his goddamn presentation!"

It wouldn't stop. Nothing did. His class had started nice, but after a while, they got sick of Tamaki. He ran out of the room at full speed and back into the dorms.

Tamaki slammed the door shut and went into the bathroom. The razor was still there, exactly as he had left it. He picked up the blade and rolled up his sleeves.

Now we are back where we started...

Tamaki slowly drew the blade across his wrist. Blood started to trickle down onto the floor while slowly gathering to make a puddle. His tears started to spill too, blood and tears were on the floor now. Tamaki just kept cutting, more and more...

To be continued...

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