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Preference: Hobbies:

Lloyd: Your hobby is painting. You can paint anything that is infront of you.. unless it is a person. You are still working on painting people.

His hobby is protecting you. It sounds cheesy but he just can't stand it when you somehow come into battle with him.

Kai: Your hobby is stealing. You know you told Kai you'd stop, but it is in your blood. You just loved the rush of stealing items and getting out of places without being detected.

His hobby is catching you mid crime. He is always dissapointed, but it is nothing you cannot fix since you always return the stuff.

Cole: Your hobby is singing. You usually don't sing infront of anyone, but when you sing infront of Cole, he cannot take his eyes off of you. He loves your voice.

His hobby is making mix tapes or remixes. He loves to feel the beat in his body and he likes to make things for you to sing to.

Jay: Your hobby is sculpting. You can sculp anything out of anything. You usually use wood or clay. You just love the feeling of wood grain and the soft feeling of clay.

His hobby is inventing. Of course it is. He builds to his heart's content.

Zane: Your hobby is flying up in the clouds. You do this so no one freaks out when they see you. You love to take Zane up there sometimes, but you usually don't cause you strain yourself when you pick up his metal body. 

His hobby is ice sculpting. He has found himself making sculptures of you too many times. You've also caught him a fair amount of times sculpting you too.

Nya: Your hobby is drumming. Whenever you get the chance you tap your feet or you tap your fingers on a desk or wall. 

Her hobby is dancing. She loves to aerial dance when she has the chance. She also loves to mix her powers in with this. She just finds this type of dancing so calm but it can also be ferious, not only like her but just like her powers too.

Pixal: Your hobby is running diagnostics checks whenever you can. You always feel like you are malfunctioning. If this does happen you go straight to Jay or Pixal. They usually tell you, you are fine.

Her hobby is fixing and modifiying the samurai x suit. She loves to make new abilities to it.

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