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Preference: Who said I love you first:

Lloyd: He did. You were both watching a scary movie and you were crying into his shirt, he felt bad and he was whispering things in your ear to calm you down. When you stopped crying he whispered "I love you", you look up at him, he was shocked at what he said and you just chuckled and said it back. He was so happy at this.

Kai: He did. You were playing video games with him, he continuously won and you were so mad. "I hate you.." You mumbled jokingly. He just chuckled and said "I love you to." Before he could apologize, you started laughing and he felt his face get red. Then you tackled him in a hug and kissed his cheek "I love you to." You said with a smile.

Cole: You did. When he had to go off to protect Ninjago again, you were terribly worried. You paced the floor so much you started to erode that part of the floor. When he came back you instantly ran over to him and jumpped into his arms, making him fall down. You started crying joyfully and you yelled "I love you! Never do that again!" You gasped at what you said and he smiled. "I love you to." He smiled.

Jay: You both did... at the same time. You were on your third date at a nice restaurant, but some criminals came in and began to rob the place. Jay got up to fight and you grabbed his hand. "Be careful.." You muttered. He smiled and said "I will always be careful for you." He then left toward the criminals and he easily took them down. He came back for you and you both left since you knew the place would most likely close after this. You were holding hands and walking down the cold streets. You both smiled and said "I love you" at the same time chuckling.

Zane: He did. You were having a nightmare and Zane woke up over hearing you whimpering in your room. He got up and went over to your room. He knocked on the door, but he got no answer. He walked in and saw you tossing and turning, yelling, screaming, crying and whimpering. His mechanical heart broke. He couldn't bare to see you like this. So he went over to your bedside and he lightly shook you untill you woke up. When you saw him you started to cry more and you latched onto him, making him fall onto the bed with you. You cuddled with him and he kissed your head. He whispered things to you and before you could go back to sleep he said "I love you." You smiled and said it back. He wrapped his arms around you protectively and you both fell asleep. 

Nya: She did. You were walking around the shops trying to find a nice gift for Nya. You found this bracelet with blue beads on it and it reminded you of water. You decided to buy it. You smiled as you thought of Nya and you made your way back to the base. You walked up to her and just placed it on her wrist. She smiled and said "I love it.. and I love you." you kissed her head and replied "I love you too." You smiled.

Pixal: She did. You were still quiet new to the dating thing and the life thing, but you have enjoyed being with Pixal a lot so far. You were looking up ways to show your appreciation to someone you are dating but you came up with nothing good. So you wanted to say 'I love you' because you heard it means a lot, but you didn't know how you would tell her. That was untill she came up to you after seeing you struggling and she smiled, chuckling and said "I love you." You smiled brightly and hugged her. "I love you too." You said.


You can probs guess which character I like the most.. oops XD

Back to the coffin.

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