The Flashback

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"Don't blame me for falling. I was just a little boy."


(Harry's P.O.V.)

(A/N This is going to be a flashback but also a dream that Harry is going to have. Keep in mind that all of this has actually happened and Harry is seeing a memory of it while sleeping. This dream will also have a big affection on Hemma's relationship in the future. I think that you will notice why throughout the chapter. Anyway, hope you enjoy.)


I was walking alone in the streets of Eroda. It was already Monday morning and today is the school photoshoot. My mom made me put on a tight blue suit that fitted me a few years ago. Also I was wearing black elegant shoes that were my dad's.

I really miss my dad. Mom told me that he passed away and that he will never come back. I seriously wish that wasn't true. Mum said that someone killed him, but she never wanted to tell me who did it. She said that no one really knows that. I really want to find out who did it. Who was evil and cruel enough to kill my father? Who am I kidding? Especially I can't do anything about it.

After all, I am only ten years old.

Now that he is gone, our family has been completely ruined. My sister is now living with my aunt and uncle because when our parents divorced, she was living with dad. Now that dad is gone forever, I will probably never see my sister again. Dad was visiting mom and I and he would always bring Gemma, but aunt and uncle probably won't bother to visit us. They live in Manchester after all.

Also, our family is running out of money really fast because dad was the only one who had a job and his payment was usually enough for the whole family. Mom is desperately trying to find a place to work at, but she never finds the right job for her. I am really sad because of everything that was happening.

And now, here I am. Walking towards my school all alone. Dad always used to walk me to school when he could, but now he is gone. Forever.

As I was walking, I saw three boys coming towards me with evil expressions on their ugly bruised faces. They all wore oversized clothes, because they thought that that way they would look more strong, mature and scary.

This is already the sixth time that they came towards me in the streets. The sixth time I would experience a lot of pain.

I already knew their names pretty well. The one in the middle is Edwin. The one on the left is Cameron and the one on the right is Maxwell.

-Well, well, well. Look who we are seeing again.- Edwin spoke.

-Leave me alone.- I said calmly. I know that it probably won't work, but I think that it's worth the try.

-Oh, no no. Styles, you already know that it's not going to work like that.- Maxwell replied.

I sighed. This time I came prepared, but I don't know if it will work. I put stones in the pockets of my suit to throw at them. But that is not going to work anyway. One way or another, I will experience pain.

-Leave me alone or you will regret it.- I spoke in a threatening tone. I reached in my pocket and took one stone in my hand.

All three of them started laughing before Edwin said:

-Oh really? We will regret it? What are you going to do to us, jerk? Are you going to tell everything to your mommy and cry in her arms?

Just then, Edwin took his fist and was about to hit me. Just then, I felt the stone being taken out of my trembling hand and I saw that it was thrown right at the back of Edwin's head.

He stumbled back and fell to the ground. Cameron and Maxwell started walking closer to me and they looked really mad. Then I saw a pink little purse hitting the back of their heads and they also fell to the ground.

-What do you think you are doing, Emma?- Cameron spoke with annoyance and pain noticeable in his voice.

-Why are you three torturing this boy? Mom let you play together, but this is too much, Cameron.- she answered.

Wait, are they related?

Are they siblings?

I looked to see who saved me from those three and saw a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes standing in front of me.

She was wearing a pink princess dress along with sparkly sandals. She also had a tiara on her head.

I wanted to smile at her, but then I realised that I will probably make her hate me bevause my teeth are shining. I don't want to risk it.

-Thank you.- I spoke.

-No problem. What's your name?- she curiously asked.

-Harry. Yours?


Just then, a woman and a man, who I suppose were her parents, came to her and took her by the each hand.

-Come on, Emma. We need to prepare to go back to London.- her mother spoke.

-Cameron needs to come too.- she pointed at Cameron and the rest of the boys that were now sitting on the ground.

-What are you three doing?- her father asked the boys.

-We were just playing with Harry, sir.- Edwin pointed at me. I was in complete shock. I couldn't move.

-Well, alright. Come on, Cameron. We are going home.- her mother replied.

Cameron groaned and said goodbye to the boys.

Soon they all turned to leave.

-Goodbye, Harry.- I could hear Emma's melodic voice saying.

After that I was alone once again.

I could hear her voice in my head.

-Harry.... Harry.... Harry........

-Harry. Harry.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying in Emma's bed. She was laying next to me and calling my name. Her arm resting across my torso and her head resting on my chest.

-What's the matter love?- I spoke.

-Nothing. It's just that you were turning a lot in your sleep and you were also groaning a lot. Did you have a bad dream?

-Yes. I did.

-What was your dream about?

Just as she asked that, I felt a strong headache.

-Sorry, love. I can't remember.

I really can't remember anything about my dream. I am not lying. What is wrong with me?

-Is your head hurting?- she asked.

-Yeah.- I groaned.

-Stay right here. I am going to get something for your head.

She walked out of the room and I was left alone with my thoughts.



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