I didn’t realize truly how tired I was until I went to sleep and woke up the next morning. I wouldn’t say I was completely refreshed but a little sleep is better than none. I wake up to the smell of food, probably the best thing to wake up to in the entire world. My stomach grumbles and I nearly run down the stairs. It’s like they’re trying to make me being here just like being at home with my mom. But they don’t even know they’re doing it.


Sunday was the only day my mom ever had off from work and she’d always make a breakfast/lunch that would literally pull me out of bed.


“I was wondering how long it was gonna take.” Madelyn says once she sees me. I laugh because that’s the same kind of joke my mom and I used to make.

“It doesn’t take me long, I promise.” I joke back. I come over and give her a hug. She hesitates for the slightest moment, probably not expecting me to hug her again. If she keeps making food like this, she’ll just have to get used to it.

“I’m usually in here by the time the bacon starts.” Austin says, from his seat at the island counter.

“Coffee does it for me.” Madelyn shares.

“What about Lauren?” I ask, whispering her name just in case she popped out of the shadows and started bitching.

“You don’t have to whisper my name.” Lauren says, popping into the kitchen right on cue, scaring the shit out of me. They all burst out laughing.

“Not funny.” I grumble, helping myself to a cup of coffee.


As Madelyn finishes the food and serves it up we all hang around, talk, and eat. We simply enjoy each other’s company. There’s a few moments where I don’t say anything but instead sit and soak up their banter. The jokes between Austin and his wife and the teasing between a father and daughter. It’s refreshing in a way I’ve only ever imagined.


Somehow, conversation gets to school, which I hadn’t even considered yet.


“Oh yes. I don’t have work tomorrow so I can take you girls to school and get Sophie registered and everything.” Madelyn says.

“Okay, sounds good.” Austin says. I reluctantly nod, not yet ready to start school. Not only am I starting at a new school, in a new town with no friends and a bitchy half sister, but it’s mid semester. I’m going to be so lost. I go silent, just thinking about it. “Everything okay, Soph?” Austin asks.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, fine.” I shake my head. “Just nervous is all.” I shrug.

“Why don’t you and Lauren go shopping. Get some new clothes, get to know each other.” Madelyn suggest.

“That’s a great idea.” Austin smiles.

“No, it’s not.” Lauren says, turning her bitch back on. “I have plans.”

I roll my eyes. “With who?” Austin inquires.

“Ezra.” She mumbles. My ears perk up, eager to hear who this Ezra is and if he’s a problem between her and her parents.

“Yeah, you can ditch him and spend time with your sister.” Austin says firmly. A voice that gives no room for deviance.

Lauren grumbles, almost growls at me as she leaves the table abruptly. “Why can’t you take me?” I ask Madelyn, surprising myself by pouting. Oh God, Lauren is rubbing off on me already.

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