Gender? Don't Know Her.

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Why not.

Also I am so sorry about the names like I couldn't come up with good ones so i just... Idk I just added A's and ie's at the end of the "girl"s names

Sorry bros

Steven Foster POV

"Hey Foster! Ditching again?" Kate's high-pitched voice echoed around the stark-white halls.

Stevie turned around to smile at the smirking girl, who got up from the bench she was sprawled across and sauntered over to the awkward boy.

"I'll have you know that I am not ditching and have never ditched." Kate raised an eyebrow. "On purpose," Stevie added.

Kate giggled.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Stevie asked.

"We're ditching Elvin History. You elves think you're so smart. It was gonna be super boring so we decided to walk to the secret cafeteria. The only thing you elves can get right is the food," Ron swaggered over to Kate and slung an ogre arm across her shoulders.

"Well then, while you do that, Mister Foster and I will be on our way," Sandy's husky voice scoffed. She gracefully stepped over to Stevie and started to steer him toward Ella's office.

"Hold on, Gigantora, are you going to Ella's office by any chance?" Kate asked with a knowing smile.

"No!" Stevie's voice cracked. No way was he going to let Kate know he tripped and cut his arm open in study hall. He would never hear the end of it.

"Well, since you're obviously headed there, I guess we're coming too, right Ron?" Kate winked at her bodyguard and skipped over to Stevie before looping an arm through his.

The wrong arm.

Stevie sucked in a breath and tears came to his eyes as it felt like his arm was tearing apart.

Stop it! He thought, and held the tears back.

Kate quickly withdrew her hand and looked suspiciously at Stevie's arm and his watering eyes.

"Tell me."

"What do you mean?" Stevie laughed nervously.

Kate tapped her foot.

Blood dripped on the floor.

"WOAH, Stevie, you're dripping blood! Go to Ella, jeez!" Kate grabbed Stevie's other arm and dragged him through the halls, bodyguards trailing behind them.

"I'm fine, Kate!" Stevie protested.

"No, you're not fine, Foster. What even happened?" Kate looked up at her 'friend,' not stopping.

"I, uh, fell." Stevie cringed.

Kate rolled her eyes.

"And kinda cut my arm open? On the back of a chair?" Stevie sucked in another sharp breath as his sleeve rubbed up against his arm, which was starting to resemble a red waterfall.

Kate sent a couple worried looks toward his arm before finally stopping and ripping part of her shirt off, making a sort of crop top.

"Woah, woah woah!" Squeaked Stevie as he averted his eyes and blushed almost purple.

"What's wrong, Foster? Is my belly button distracting you?" Kate wriggled her eyebrows as she started to bandage Stevie's wound.

Stevie was about to deny it when Sandy stepped up behind him and covered his eyes. He blushed even darker and swatted at the goblin's hand.

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