"By the way, talking to you is useless you should find the girl soon and until then," The Seeker said, with his boring tone. "Until then I'll handle it from there". The seeker stands up from his seat and gave Jaehyun a death glare. He walks past Jaehyun and disappears, leaving a trail of black and blue smoke.

The living room went back to its original light accompany with the sound of birds chirping. Wendy and Taeyong came out from their hiding place. Taeyong was looking like he had seen a ghost and Wendy, on the other hand, was mix with many emotions.

"You're working with the Seeker?" said Wendy, slowly. Jaehyun is now looking at her; feeling guilty but eventually, he blurts out. "I have no business working for him in the first place," he said. "You owe him!, What did you owe him Jaehyun?" she said. "It's none of your business," He said, finally sitting down on the couch, head down with both of his hand on his head. He sighs deeply.

Wendy was angry to the point she wants to just storm out of the room. "The Seeker is searching for me and the only thing that i can avoid him is for you to tell me, is that hard for you to explain?" She said, with a stern voice. Jaehyun still didn't move from his position. Taeyong was standing at the other end of the couch and watch them both. "Jaehyun! answer me" still he doesn't answer her. "I'm scared Jaehyun". Two drops of tears fall from Wendy's tear duct.

"You can't avoid him, Wendy," Jaehyun said.

"You brought him here!"

"I didn't bring him here, for what reason i want him to find where i am?" Jaehyun lifter his head and look at Wendy.

"I don't believe you!" Wendy was shouting when she said it.

She was scared, confuse and angry at the same time. She was tired of people hiding the truth behind her back only to know at the very nick of time. She just wanted to run from where she stood but Jaehyun words stop her from making her decision to run.

"I'm dying Wendy," Jaehyun said, working his best to smile.

Taeyong frowned upon what Jaehyun said. He excuses himself for Wendy and Jaehyun to discuss it; he went upstairs. Wendy, on the other hand, didn't buy it. "Is this an excuse? an excuse to say you actually dying because you can't explain what you owe him? wow Jaehyun, I'm impressed. One lie after another. What excuse you have next? you're gonna say you're married to another girl? you have kids? is this why you never told me why you left me untold about your whereabouts because you can't explain it?" She said, with so much madness. Jaehyun was taken aback about what she said. He stands from his sit and faces Wendy. For the first time, Wendy never seen Jaehyun angry side and never thought she would see it today.

"I'm dying, and yes this is an excuse for me to say you're going too far with your words. I'm not married, i have no kids, i have no intention to leave you hanging after all these years. I long for you every day, every month, every year just one chance to see you and hold you but i have to forbid myself to see you and run to you and hold you. I'm happy that you finally find Taeyong who will be with you for the rest of your life and not me. I'm happy that you spend time with him and believe me i don't feel sad because you are with Taeyong and i know he will bring you happiness to every day of your life. To me, it is enough to know you're safe with him than being with me. I'm a danger to you Wendy."

"Then why did you appear here before me now, why now?"

"like i said, i came here to find you and warns you about the Seeker"

"why not before then? why are you avoiding? What's my fault?"

"Remember the day i leave you and never come back?" He said, slowly. " that was the day i knew you were the Time Traveler that I've been searching for and i couldn't bring myself to expose The Seeker about where you are. I had to stop myself from reaching our date place and just watch you from afar. It hurts me every time to remember about it."

"Then why can't you text me? or send me a letter?"

"I've tried but i can't seem to get myself to do it, i need to protect you"

"But The Seeker already knows me, he founds me through my past self"

"Did he hurts you in it?"

"No, he didn't, why?"

"Ever wonder why he can't hurt you? your grandmother protected you; put a protection charm on you before she left so The Seeker can't harm you a single bit"

"My grandmother protects me? how did you know?"

"The Seeker told me about it, he was having a hard time to get his hand on you because your grandmother charms are still protecting you, that's why he needs me to do the job for him all these years."

"Then how can he know you're here? is it because of the fear he felt in this house?"

"Correct," Jaehyun was now smiling.

"If The Seeker sense fears in this house then why can't he get to me and Taeyong?"

"Because i gave him my lucky charm to him, and you still have your grandmother's protection charm on you so he can't sense your fear."

"Your lucky charm?"

"My pocket watch. That's my lucky charm. I thought you knew?"

"No, he didn't tell me about it"

"By the way," He begins, slowly. "What else did The Seeker told you besides finding you?"

Wendy was silent for a sec and answer his question. "He told me I'm running out of time"

Jaehyun shows no expression but eventually gave Wendy a weak smile.

"So do I"

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