Chapter 3

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"Mason? I need help." She whimpered. I felt my world crashing down. I could hear her crying in the background.

"I know you hate me and know you'd rather die than help me but I just need you to take me to the hospital and then you can leave. Please, Mason." She sobbed.

Did she really think I hated her? She was my best friend at one point. I could never hate her. I couldn't let her find this out either.

I was already in my car by the time she finished her sentence.

"Abby? Can you answer one question, please?" I asked firmly.

"What is it?" she whimpered again and I felt my heart breaking. I was slightly relieved that she didn't correct me and tell me to call her 'Abagail'.

"Why do you need to go to the hospital?" She hesitated before answering.

"You'll see when you get here." She whispered.

I hit the gas.

That answer could only mean one thing. And God, I hope I'm wrong.

Yet, my dumbass had to ask.

"Abby.. did he...?"

"Mason just hurry please." She mumbled.

I sighed. " bad is it?"

"It's nothing that hasn't happened before." She tried laughing but groaned from the pain. Only she would try and make jokes at a time like this.

I sped up some more.

I knew she was right, though. She's been through a lot. Countless times she'd miss school and come in the next day with a doctor's note in her hand. Only I knew how those bruises got there. No one else but me.

I still left her.

When I finally arrived at her house, the door was unlocked.

I walked in and saw Abby on the foot of the stairs, curled up in a ball, sobbing. She looked so broken and scared. I felt a knot in my throat but quickly swallowed it down. I needed to be strong for her. She can't see me cry.

I approached her and gently grabbed her shoulder. "Abby I'm here..."

She flinched away from me and whimpered in pain from the sudden movement.

"Abby, it's okay. It's me, Mason." I touched her shoulder again. She slowly turned to look at me. The look in her eyes made my eyes fill with fresh tears but they didn't spill over.

She looked so scared- no, terrified. The fun loving, happy, full of life girl I used to know was long gone. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

I hugged her gently and whispered comforting words in her ear, kissing her head.

I carefully picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to my car. After I made sure she was somewhat comfortable in the back seat, I sped to the hospital. I needed for her to trust me again and I have to be there for her from now on.


Once we arrived at the hospital, Mason carried me out and took me to the emergency room. He went up to the receptionist and she looked up at us a worried look in her eyes but she mainly focused on Mason. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"What happened?" I could tell her worried look was fake now.

Before Mason could say what really happened, I answered quickly. "I fell down the stairs."

The receptionist gave me a look and then replied, "If you fell down the stairs, why are you in the emergency room? A simple fall like that couldn't do much." What a bitch.

I sighed and groaned from the pain. "Listen lady, it's getting really difficult to breathe here. I think I may have a broken rib or two. That's why I'm here." I snapped. I could tell she wanted to say something back but the look I gave her made her keep her mouth shut. She led us to my family doctor, Dr. Michaels- well more like she led Mason who was still carrying me.

Once I was patched up, the doctor, Dr. Michaels asked to speak with me in private.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, worried.

"No, no. You're fine," he assured me. "It's just that...your injuries...they couldn't possibly be caused from a fall down the stairs..."

Shit, shit, shit!

" was a pretty bad fall.." Was all I could come up with. I adverted my eyes away from him. He can't know the truth. No one can. The only person who knows is Mason and that's only because he almost witnessed it happening while at my house one day.

"Abby, you have a broken rib, two cracked ribs, broken wrist, and a small concussion. Not only that but you 'tripped and fell' and the month before that, you claimed to have run into a door and somehow fell and hurt your ribs." He stated matter- of- factly. Wow...I'm in here more than I thought.

"Well, I'm clumsy..." I trailed off. I still couldn't look the doctor in the eyes.

Dr. Michaels sighed. "Abby, I've been your family's docter for years. I've known you- literally- since the second you were born. I know when you're hiding something. You've done it before."

It was my turn to sigh. "I can't tell'll take it to the athorities." I gathered up what little courage I had and faced the doctor.

"Abby, is your-"

"You ready to go, Abby? I have your pain meds." Mason thankfully interrupted.

"Actually I was-"

"Just telling me that I'm on the good to leave! So let's go now!" I interrupted the doctor.

I really need to get out of here.

The way to my house was quiet and somewhat awkward. When we finally arrived, my dad's car was in the driveway. My breath caught in my throat. He's gonna be so mad that dinner isn't ready!

"Abby, I really think you should stay at my house for a few days. At least until it's safe for you to come back."

I snorted. "At your place? Yeah, right."

"Well if not at my place that at one of your friends'." I scoffed this time. Was he just trying to rub it in? 

"One of my 'friends'? You're kidding right? You ruined any chance of me ever having a friend again, Mason! Everybody in school hates me! They call me all kinds of names and beat me up! That's not even the worst part! My own father hates me- he beats me until I pass out, sometimes even after that. He's a drunk and he doesn't care if I live or die. As long as he's well and fed, he couldn't care less about what happens to me. I wish that was the worst part- but it's not, Mason. When I get to school, I can't talk to anybody about it because I have no friends! So congrats, Mason, you've fulfilled your purpose- to make me miserable." By the time I was finished, I was full on sobbing. I hated it. Feeling weak and fragile.


"Just stop, Mason. Okay? I get it. I'm stupid, ugly, and the worst thing to ever walk the earth. You don't have to keep reminding me." I whispered.

Before he could say anything else to hurt me more, I opened the door and walked up the driveway to my front door.

I took a deep breath and walked in. I went to the living room and there sat my dad- just watching TV.

The house was spotless and there wasn't a beer bottle in his hand.

"D-dad?" I whispered.

His head turned so fast, I'm surprised he didn't break his neck. "Abby..."

He walked up to me and I braced myself. But nothing in the world could've ever prepared me for what came next.

My dad hugged me.

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