Part two

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you guys so much for reading. 💕

I was terrified and frozen in the fear. I needed someone to save me. I don't care who but please someone save me. "We're going to go for a little drive." Ray said putting the gun in his back pocket. I was shaking horribly and he seemed to notice. "Sit on your hands." I did as he said.

"That shaking is annoying me." He sighed, pressing on the gas making the car move. "Where are we going? I asked, kicking my text book to see if the mic was on. He looked at me then back at the rode. "Travis." I whispered. "Save me."

Ray sped up and did a sharp turn that lead to an abounded rode. I looked in the side mirror and saw red and blue lights. He cursed to himself and pulled over. There were woods and a huge barn to the left of us. That's probably where they keep and kill their victims.

"If you say anything I will blow your head off right here." He said gently rolling down his window. "Hello sir." I looked up to see Awsten in a police man uniform. Are you fricking kidding me, this was their best idea? He looked at me and winked. I sat there with a shocked expression. He smiled and looked back at Ray. "You were going mighty fast." He laughed in a fake country accent.

If I wasn't frozen in fear I would be crying with laughter. He really is a horrible actor. "Yes sir, I'm sorry. My wife is pregnant and we are just going home." Ray smiled. WOW, that is his lie? I'm pregnant? Awsten chuckled. "Well, congratulations. I've been wanting a kid myself, but I stopped talking to the girl I wanted to have it with. I've been wanting to apologize to her but she deserves way better then me." Awsten looked at me with a small smile. My heart dropped, he couldn't mean me, right? He probably met another girl, someone much better. Why am I even thinking about this right now?

Ray looked shocked and didn't know what to say. "Well, I'm very sorry. I'm sure you will find her." He smiled, starting up the car again. "Uh, actually sir I need you to step out of the car." He said opening the door for Ray to get out. "Fine." He sighed, but instead of getting out of the car he stepped on the gas making us drive away from Awsten.

"Why did you that?!" I yelled getting annoyed. "Hey, shut up. Remember, I'll blow your head off." Ray said keeping his eyes on the rode. He kept making so many sharp turns which made me hit the car door many times. "Let me tell you something." He said, stopping the car at a small cabin. What is it with killers and cabins?

"If you haven't figured it out, you've been kidnapped and we're gonna have fun with you." He smiled. "We..?" I whispered with a shaky voice. "Toro! Did you get one?" I turned my head to face the car window. There was a short man walking up to the car, no it can't be. "You know it Frank. I never leave empty handed." Ray laughed, stepping out of the car.

"Let me get a look at her." Frank said opening the car door on my side. I could see the smile on his face until it faded when he saw who I was. "Hey! I know you!" He laughed. I looked at him with horror on my face. "Ray! This is the girl I chased in the woods with Mikey!" He yelled, he was way too happy about this.
"No way!" Ray said walking over to me.

"Sooner or later you'll meet Gerard, you'll have met the whole gang!" Frank laughed. Please don't tell me that they are all crazy. Awsten please come save me. "Let's get you settled." They pulled me out of the car roughly and walked me to the cabin, pushing me inside. Ray locked the door and put the key in his back pocket.

There was a couch facing a fireplace which had a big tv on top of it. There was a black coffee table across from the couch with a New Jersey mug on it. There was also two lamps in the corners of the rooms. It set a golden look to it, if I wasn't kidnapped I would be very cozy.
Ray grabbed a chair and sat me down on it in the middle of the living room. Frank tied my hands around my back and tied my feet at the legs of the chair.

Orange you glad I'm back?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora