Scene 5

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"Save me?" Emma spoke out. She then saw Hyde in the mirror. "Good job. Last one." He threw her another tape. There was no need to explain anymore. She played the tape. Jekyll sung, but this time, the background was red. "Counting ten nine zero fingers
Won't you come and play the gray man's game
Move quick, be an artful dodger
when the cleavers start swishing in flames
Willows of Wysteria
A memorial
A Crescendo
Of hysteria"
The lights go out and there is a Voice that echoes around the room " pick the person this song is about, and I will return Jekyll to you. Pick The wrong choice, and you shall burn in hell with your husband."
The voice disappears, Almost as if it was just a breath in the wind. Who is Emma going to choose?
Albert Fish (go to part 7)
Ted Bundy (go to part 6)

Alive: A Jekyll and Hyde choose your own adventure storyWhere stories live. Discover now