Scene 3

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Emma spoke. "Henry was..... kidnapped?" There was a heavy sigh that echoed throughout the lab as Hyde appeared back in the mirror. "Good job Emma. You got it." The madman spoke with a sort of calm nature. "However, there are still two more puzzles you need to solve." Hyde spoke with too much calm for a man like him. "Okay...." Emma said as Hyde handed her another tape and she played it. Again, it was Henry, standing emotionless. He began to sing yet again. "Re-cue me
Show me who I -m
'Cause I can't belie-e
This is how the story -nds
Fight for -e
If it's not too late
Help me br-athe again
No, this can't be how the story ends!" Henry disappears again as does Hyde. There is another sinister voice that echoes through the room
"Find out the secret message!" It disappeared.
Is the Secret Message
Help me (go to part 4)
Save me (go to part 5)

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