spongebob squarepants 1#

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 i believe there two theories of spongebob and this is the first one is mr.krabs is taking care of all of them cause spongebob has autism  and patrick has down syndrome  and squietward has depressed one time squietward try to hang himself but spongebob told mr.krabs  so that the reason  sqiuetward hates spongebob and sandy thinks satan wants her to kill everyone so she can be queen of hell so mr. krabs pput her in a bubble suit so he can watch her close and planton is in the wheelchair  which explains his "wife" he cant talk so that why he small in the show cause he feels small  then there peal  is on drugs  the reason she on drugs cause she believes her dad dont care about her cause how mush he helps with the kids  and when she on drugs she sees the world as a cartoon and people become sea animals  so she cant face reality  mr .krabs is still cheap 

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