But his body could.

His body would not stop especially since it meant that stopping meant that he would be unable to fight.

He would be unable to fight.

Get up.

Every step he takes is hell, but her hands pull him up and drag him across the terrain, numbing the pain to bearable levels as she harshly yanked the shards of glass out of his right eye, his cheek, his eyelids, his neck. Cold blood solidifies and freezes as it emerges from his wounds, and he feels so, so cold.

Keep moving.

He needed to.

Then the cold hands disappear and are replaced by that of warm, gentle ones.

A gasp of shock.

It's quickly reeled in.

"Kyojuro, everything's going to be fine, alright?" Masahiko-san's voice.

Kyojuro fell to the ground, blood staining his clothes in large patches, and onto his knees amongst the white snow.

Masahiko sets a hand on the fiery haired individual, scooping up snow in his own scarf as he pressed it against his burn wounds, and he finds frost coating and spreading from the blood and wounds on his face, resolving to keep it cold so that he would not have to feel more pain.

God, what happened to him?

He half guided, half carried the boy into the building, soothing him with a string of words, which he kept repeating until he had calmed down significantly.

Dawn was breaking, and with it, the heartless, blazing sun which would reduce him to dust.

Once they entered the front door of the house, he barked for others to aid him with Kyojuro, whose hands were pressed so tightly over his eyes that his knuckles were white, and he was bruising himself. Having long fallen silent, Masahiko grew deeply concerned as he took him to the medical room on the first floor, the other girls and even Yousuke as well as Hiromi stepping in to bring in water, towels, antiseptic cream and a soothing balm.

"Kyojuro, can you speak?" He asked him tentatively, as he brought him into the medical shower, and turned on the tap with cold water and setting him down in the tub, let the water run over his wounds.

These burn wounds, and what looked like open wounds made from broken glass that had been messily removed.

Kyojuro shook his head.

Yousuke came over and handed over several towels, to which he brought out a pair of scissors and began cutting away at his clothes, especially over his chest. There was no need to speak, only to work.

"I need you to remove your hands, is that alright?" He ran his hand over his, and Kyojuro flinched involuntarily at the touch, while he let it settle and waited until he had calmed down more.

And he did.

Gradually and slowly, as Masahiko helped him to move his hands away slowly, and he inspected the wounds on his face.

Over his eyes, was a layer of ice which spread down and seemed to coat over the substance which had previously be spilled on him, and i he were to hazard a guess, had to either be oil or alcohol that had been lit on fire.

The ice spread quickly, encasing his face in a thin sheet like glass veil, and moved on to his chest and back before it shattered, and with it, it removed traces of the oil or alcohol that had previously been on his skin.

This stuns Yousuke, and yet, Masahiko-san continues tending to Kyojuro, closing the tap now that the tub has been filled with water and using another hand to support and cradle his head. His movements are so soft, so gentle, filled with utter care as he used a towel to dry his face, and Kyojuro's fingers were wrapped around his wrist, a sign that there was pain to him.

Heart Of Fire; Veins Of Ice | Kimetsu No Yaiba Fanfic (Kyojurou's POV)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ