Twisted Visit

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Domino pounded on the lid of her tomb, the sound reverberating with a sense of dread as her own mother spoke her obituary. The muffled words fell on deaf ears as no one could hear the desperate cries of the girl about to be buried alive.

"Domino Octavia was a troublemaker, but that doesn't mean we didn't love her," her mother's voice echoed, fading away as Domino succumbed to the suffocating embrace of the cold earth. The 17-year-old girl didn't want to die. She longed to be with her best friend, who was surely banned from attending the so-called "funeral."

In the darkness of her confinement, Domino finally surrendered, allowing the sweet release of the lifeless soil to consume her. She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face, and cried herself to sleep, attempting to ignore the frigidness and cramped confines of the tomb. "This is it," she whispered to herself. "Goodbye, Dane. I'll miss you."


"I've been falling for what feels like hours. How deep is this hole? How did I even end up here?" I muttered to myself as I somersaulted through the air, finally landing on the ground with a thud. I groaned, rubbing my sore back, and surveyed my surroundings. I found myself in the middle of a street, seemingly normal yet tinged with a peculiar shade of red. The blaring of a horn caught my attention as a speeding car hurtled towards me.

My eyes widened in sheer panic, but to my astonishment, the car came to an abrupt halt, hovering in mid-air before flipping upside down. I stared at the overturned vehicle, feeling a peculiar surge of energy tingling in my arms. I glanced at my hands in disbelief, questioning, "Did I do that?"

Unbeknownst to me, a pair of blood-red eyes observed my every move. In life, I stood at a mere five feet two inches, but now, much to my surprise, I towered almost six feet tall—an imposing figure. As I took in my new form, a tall spider-like creature emerged from the wreckage. Intrigued, I cautiously approached, concealing myself behind a nearby wall to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Yeah, yeah, listen," the spider said to his driver. "I can't afford to let anyone know I'm offering my services to random people on the street. It was just a quick cash grab, got it?"

"Heh, whatever you say, slut!"

The spider scoffed at the insult. "Ouch, such a scathing remark. Let me know when you come up with something more creative to call me, you sack of poorly packaged horse shit! Back off."

The driver, filled with embarrassment, hastily drove away, accidentally crashing into the overturned car. The spider, seemingly undeterred, approached a drug vending machine and purchased a bag of Angel Dust. Just as he was about to open it, a mischievous fly darted by and snatched the bag. "Hey!"

"Up yours, drag show!"

I sighed, focusing my energy, and took hold of a massive boulder that plummeted from the sky, crushing the fly and retrieving the stolen bag. The spider, astonished, rushed over. "Oh my god! My drugs! Dammit!" I emerged from my hiding spot, striding toward the vending machine. With a forceful punch, I shattered the glass, retrieving another bag of the drugs. I tossed it to the spider and remarked, "Uh, thanks, sweetheart!" before walking away.

I couldn't quite comprehend why I felt strangely at ease in this peculiar place. It felt oddly natural to be in hell.

As I continued down the street, my attention was drawn to an electronics store named Radio Hack, where the news was playing on the screens. The daughter of Lucifer, Charlie, began singing a song about a hotel she was working on—a place that aimed to rehabilitate sinners. I sensed a presence behind me, but I couldn't be bothered to turn and face it.

After enduring a song and a series of humiliation, I decided to investigate this "Happy Hotel" further. The figure from earlier continued to trail me, causing other demons to clear a path as we walked. I eventually stopped, turning to confront whoever was tailing me. I was met with dark red eyes and a wide grin.

"Hello, my dear!" the figure exclaimed, looming above me. Fear gripped me, but I managed to stand my ground. "Are you heading to the hotel?" I nodded silently. "Well then, allow me to accompany you! I happen to be heading there as well." We walked side by side, and I attempted to hide within the folds of my oversized hoodie. The tall figure looked down at me and encouraged, "Smile, my dear! You know you're never fully dressed without one!"

A small smile tugged at my lips, and the atmosphere grew less awkward. Eventually, we arrived at the imposing doors of the hotel. The tall figure knocked, and the door swung open, slamming shut twice before finally granting us entry. Standing before us was Charlie herself. Feeling a surge of self-consciousness, I instinctively hid behind my newfound companion.

"May I speak now?" he asked. Charlie nodded, and the tall figure took her hand, shaking it warmly. "Alastor, a pleasure to meet you! I caught your delightful fiasco on the picture show, and I simply couldn't resist! What a performance!" He released her hand and strode into the establishment, while I lingered, attempting to maintain my camouflage. "My, I haven't been this entertained since the stock market crash of 1929! Ah, the memories of so many orphans!"

A moth demon in a gray dress aimed her spear at Alastor's neck. "Stop right there!" she warned, muttering something in a language I couldn't understand. Judging by her tone, she insulted him. Alastor calmly pushed the spear aside, and static crackled in the air. "Dear, if I wanted to harm anyone here... I would have done so already!"

The room fell silent as the other demons stared at him in fear, while I gazed up at him with intrigue. Alastor motioned for someone behind him to step forward. "I met this darling on my way here. She was headed in the same direction, so I thought I'd lead her." He directed his gaze towards me, a genuine smile replacing his earlier sadistic grin.

"I'm Domino," I murmured, my voice trembling. "I'm looking for work... Maybe I could help with cooking or decorating?" Charlie's eyes sparkled with excitement, while the moth demon, whom I assumed to be named Vaggie, exchanged puzzled glances with Alastor. A spider demon from earlier approached me and enveloped me in a tight hug.

"Hey, sweetheart! Didn't think I'd see you again!" I smiled as he set me down. "Thanks for earlier! Glad to see you again!" Vaggie regarded him with a perplexed expression. "I never thought," she began, "I'd witness the day when Angel doesn't flirt with someone he meets." Angel scoffed and replied, "She got me drugs, and she's fucking adorable. I see her as a little sister!"

I returned Angel's smile, feeling a strange kinship between us. He reminded me so much of Dane—addicted to drugs but possessing a kind heart tainted by a dirty mind. Suddenly, a clawed hand landed on my shoulder, causing me to look up and meet Alastor's piercing gaze.

"I would like to speak with Domino in private," he declared, his voice carrying an air of mystery and intrigue.

Words: 1239

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