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The room felt eerie, the atmosphere was just not right, something was up, Wonwoo thought. He is now facing Mingyu, who is sitting on his comfy looking chair in front of him. On the table, there's a name stand with Kim Mingyu written on it. The whole room looked too fancy for a student council office.

Something isn't right. What does he want from me?

The both of them locked their gaze for a while, until Mingyu broke the awkwardness with his small giggle. Wonwoo is confused.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Sit here. "

Wonwoo felt a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek, he quickly wiped it with his blazer sleeve. The room is cold, maybe he was just feeling nervous. Wonwoo walked over and sits politely in front of Mingyu. His eyes are fixed on to the carpet floor.

Mingyu got up and walked to the front of the table, he sat on his table facing Wonwoo, he wrapped his arms together and took a closer look at Wonwoo. Of course, with Mingyu's sudden behaviour had made Wonwoo shocked.

"W-what are you doing...? "

Their faces are only about six inches apart, Wonwoo had avoid Mingyu's gaze and looked somewhere else. He could feel his heartbeat rate getting faster. His mind went absolutely blank, all he could hear right now is his heartbeat.

Mingyu smirked and moved away from Wonwoo, only to sit back at his chair. Placing both his hands under his chin for support.

"What was that..? "

Wonwoo is really puzzled right now, but it seems like Mingyu didn't want to answer any of his questions right now.

"Nothing, I'm just checking you out. Don't be too freaked out. "

Wonwoo gulped. The first thing to come up in his mind is

This guy is very attractive.

Wonwoo shook his head.

No, this is not what you're suppose to be thinking about right now, snap out of it Wonwoo!

"You okay? What were you thinking? Your face is red, do you realise that? "

Wonwoo froze, he lowered his head out of embarrassment. He could hear Mingyu's footsteps coming towards him.

"Hey, you're really cute. You're so my type. Look at me. "

Mingyu lift up Wonwoo's chin up with his huge veiny hands. He smiled so wide while admiring Wonwoo's shy face. Mingyu's eyes admired everything on Wonwoo's face, expecially his rosy lips.


"L-let me go... "

Wonwoo gently pushed away Mingyu's hand. His hand touching his.

"Woah woah, you got really soft hands! I'm jealous. "

Mingyu wanted to grab Wonwoo's hand but Wonwoo pulled his hand away so fast.

"Don't touch me. "

Mingyu nodded and finally walked away from Wonwoo and sits on top of his table.

"Alright, sorry about that. It is just something I liked to do. Sorry for scaring you. "

"Can you just tell me why you would want to see me and release me to class? You're wasting my time right now. I'm supposed to be in class right now. Don't you have any classes right now? "

Wonwoo spoke out as if he's trying to scare Mingyu with his sharp gaze and slightly harsh words without the hyung.

"WoAH there you're being super duper harsh to me. Atleast if you call me hyung it would be fine. "

"You're disrespecting my privacy and now you're asking me to respect you? Why would I? "

Mingyu felt himself got shot in the heart with a bullet, damn this guy knows his words.

"Alright, sorry. I think I made you mad, I should just let you go. Sorry for bothering you. Let's just talk another time, hmm? "

I literally wasted half an hour here while I should be in class, I hate him already.

"Just don't call me during classes. "

Wonwoo got up and quickly left the room to his classroom. Mingyu was left smiling from ear to ear. He felt his heart attracted to Wonwoo. They both just met. Love at first sight? The word is funny and cliché but it does happen.

He didn't knew what made him so attracted to Wonwoo, probably its when they made eye contact during the entrance ceremony? Was Wonwoo a lot more attractive than any other people in the school?

Cold and sharp gaze, soft milky white skin, quiet and easily embarrassed and also his deep ass voice. Mingyu liked it all. But he could feel deep inside his heart, Wonwoo didn't like him at all, its all clear through how he speaks to him. Mingyu was shocked, he literally made Wonwoo hate him. He thought Wonwoo would be scared of him.

Mingyu could not stop thinking about Wonwoo, his mind is filled with everything about Wonwoo.

I noticed his eyes are a bit weird, is he wearing contacts? He must have bad eyesight.

Mingyu noticed that when he took a closer look at Wonwoo's face earlier, he could even notice the smallest thing on his face. Now he knows that Wonwoo had bad eyesight. He sits back in his seat, smiling to himself.

I'll make you mine soon enough, Jeon Wonwoo, just you wait.

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