"shh, don't cry babe," Kiri mumbles, whipping away the tears I didn't even realise had fallen.

"i-I can't do this. Th-they'll get mad and- and everyone will laugh-"

"maybe, but Shinso, Deku and I will be here, waiting for you to come back to us after finishing your super manly and brave feat. So, go up there and show them who's boss my lovely super masculine mate."

Laughing softly, I lean my head on my boyfriend's shoulder. "A little too much but thanks," I mumble before titling my head up, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Hearing my name being called again I sigh and pull myself up, sending a small smile towards the three boys who were cheering encouraging words among the waiting crowd.

"right I can do this," I whisper, taking hold of the microphone before climbing up the stairs, heartbeat erratic.

Placing the microphone in the stand I look out to the crowd for the first time. "right... I can't do this..."

Eyes. Hundreds of eyes were on me, watching my every move.

Judging me.

By now, the whole place was silent save for a few cheers, my band mates being some of the few still quietly cheering.

Sparing a glance at my family only to instantly regret it, I strum a few notes on my guitar half-heartedly.

They did not look happy. And if I had to guess it would, most likely, have to due with the fact that they called me up by my preferred name, despite what I had told my parents.

My sperm donner was currently fuming.

Oh goody.

"hey!" I here deku shout, drawing my attention away from my family. "ignore them! Don't think, just sing! What people think doesn't mater as long as in the end your honest and happy with yourself."

If only you took your own advice, I think with a sad smile before nodding and taking a deep breath.

"here goes nothing," I whisper breathlessly before playing the starting notes on my guitar.

"No, your mom don't get it
And your dad don't get it
Uncle John don't get it

"And you can't tell grandma
'Cause her heart can't take it
And she might not make it

"They say, "Don't dare, don't you even go there
Cutting off your long hair"
You do as you're told"

Tears fill my eyes and I don't take my eyes off the ground, refusing to think about the faces of the audience. Refusing to think of how disgusted everyone will be once they realise the meaning behind this song.

"Tell you, "Wake up, go put on your makeup
This is just a phase you're gonna outgrow"

"There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh

"There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village
There's something wrong with the village

"Feel the rumors follow you from Monday all the way to Friday dinner
You got one day of shelter,
Then it's Sunday hell to pay, you young lost sinner
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chair
Whispering that same prayer half a million times
It's a lie, though buried in disciples
One page of the Bible isn't worth a life"

It was clear when the people started to understand, the sudden hush was enough to judge off.

"There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh

Just a little crazy (finished)Where stories live. Discover now