hotdog stand challenge 1

21 1 0

Previously: ray: and the winner is......


Ray: and the winner is.....

Roc: The Omg Girlz

Bahja: omg really thank you everyone for voting for us !!!

Roc: and the score was

Ray: Omg Girls: 12 and official watever: 3 so eh well done

nique: once again thanks for VOTING for us *icy stares at diggy and Jaden*

Tia: omg thanks for the two people that voted us adleast we have some friends here 

_____in roc royal's room______

Roc: once again we have to meet at my room right

Bre: yh we do any problem

Roc: nope not at all

Ray: wait where's prodhavent seen him since the competition

prince: ayee mayn who voted for those wutever people 

bahja: dunno but thats a new mistery we gota find out and when we find them ohhh they'll pay bigtime

Roc: wait can i ask yall a question

Bre: go ahead

Roc: why do yall hate them so much i mean what did they even do

nique: theere just show offs with there snotty accents and there talented shit and stuff

Roc's P.O.V:

i dunno why they girls and prince and ray are acting so harsh on them like i dont even get what they even did like i may be the dumerest one here well thats what they said but seriously they didnt do anything and i dont see what so snotty about there accents to be honest i think there accents are kinda cute *coughs* i mean cool ehh whatebaaa i dun even care anymore im outta her i smell hotdogs  -end of pov-

bahja: roc roc ROC !!!!!

Roc: huh what u want 

bahja: were you even listening

Roc: if i said no would you leave me alone

bahja: no 

Roc: haha u said no that means im out *walks out* oh and make sure you dont mess my room up biatchezzzz

prince: i dun even noe what got into him lately

______________________in the main room______________________

Leah: oh hey roc we making hotdog stand for the neighborhood outside with a diggy and jaden and even prods helping out u wanna like er help out ??

Roc: nahh...wait actually yeah sure i'd like that *grabs a couple of sausages and carries them out*


prod: roc ???

roc: ohh hey prod btw ik u voted for them anyways so ur like friends with them now

Prod: yeahh u noe i couldnt stand how bahja and the others were treating i like gave up on them ..wait what are you doing here ??/

Roc: yeahh i kinda gave up on them aswell so im helping out with the barbaque hotdog stand is that ok ?? 

prod: yupp..oh i told them about that whole get everyone to vote for bhaja and em thingy

Roc: how did they take it

prod: not that bad u noe they just laughed and asked if i could help them 

Roc: really ??/

Leah: yeah :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2012 ⏰

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