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"Great! Wait here for a second!" Mark exclaimed and stood up, visibly excited that Haechan had agreed. He then went out of the living room into, what Haechan assumed, was his bedroom and came out shortly after with the weed.

Haechan was now slowly regretting his decision. He wished he never agreed to meet with Mark in the first place. It would've been easy if he hadn't texted the older. The two would've just gone on cussing at each other every day. Sure, it wasn't the most enjoyable thing in Haechan's day to day life but maybe that relationship with Mark was better than this awkward friendship which they were currently building up.

'Well, now it was too late' Haechan told himself and focused on Mark. The latter looked really relaxed actually. He did not show any signs that he was nervous or uncomfortable. Haechan wondered whether the boy knew what was going through Haechan's mind. There was a possibility of that, considering the smirk that was occasionally appearing on his face when he looked at Haechan.

The boy got nervous when Mark lit up the joint between his lips, inhaled and exhaled. Haechan could see the smoke that came out of the other's mouth. Mark then proceeded to offer the joint to Haechan. The younger boy looked at him with wide eyes.

"I don't know how to.." Haechan trailed off. He felt a bit embarrassed but Mark didn't seem to mind. He just nodded to himself and then instructed "Oh, it's fine. Just try to relax. Inhale and exhale and then just blow the smoke out. You'll feel it when you do it right."

Haechan did as Mark said and tried but ended up coughing a lot. The drug was burning in his lungs, a sting reaching all the way from there to his throat and Haechan became teary-eyed. In between his coughs he said "I don't think this is working."

Mark nodded in understanding as if he had expected the outcome and took the joint again to inhale another time before giving it back to Haechan. Mark looked at the latter calmly and explained "It takes a few moments before you feel anything but when you do, it's the best feeling in the world."

So Haechan tried again, following Mark's instructions from before. They sat in silence for a while, the only thing heard being deep, heavy breaths from Mark. To overcome the awkwardness, Mark played some music. Some songs Haechan knew and hummed along.

"You can sing if you want to. I don't mind." Mark told him and chuckled at the blush that was spreading on Haechan's cheeks. But the younger did eventually start to sing along and after another song or two he felt it. If Haechan were to describe that feeling, he wouldn't be able to. He felt like he was flying and falling at the same time. like he could do everything but wanted to do nothing.

He glanced over to Mark who was watching him attentive and underneath the older boy's stare Haechan felt himself tremble.The way Mark's lids were half-closed, telling of how he was feeling the same effects as Haechan as well as the way his hair messily tousled into his hood, Haechan couldn't help but feel flustered. He coughed once more, sight going slightly blurry and Haechan had to grab the couch to keep himself grounded.

Mark must have seen that the drug came to use when he spotted a lost smile on Haechan's face. It looked really pretty on him, Mark thought but then instantly forbid his brain to think any further than that.

He took the joint out of Haechan's hand who just let it happen and joined Haechan in smoking. He knew it was not a good idea to let haechan take the whole joint so they took turns until it was halfway done.

Haechan could feel the joint now really hitting him. It was like getting drunk but so much much better. It felt like pure euphoria. He giggled at Mark making a funny face while sucking in the smoke and then just laid there. He stared at Mark and suddenly all he could think of was the older boy. Him in his specs with the grey hoodie that showed just enough of his collar bones. The black hair that was messy but still managed to look good and fluffy. His lips, which were moist because of how often Mark licked them. Maybe it was a good idea telling Mark how he felt. Yeah, that sounded just right for Haechan. Tomorrow he would probably regret saying it but he could just blame it on the weed right?

"Mark?" he asked, his voice hoarse.The mentioned boy turned his head to look at Haechan and hummed "Yes?"

"You're really hot, you know?" Haechan told him. The boy just looked at him and giggled, the drug also getting him. He licked his lips and Haechan watched hungrily. If anyone had told him how horny drugs make he maybe wouldn't have agreed to this.

"Don't just laugh at me. It's true, you are really hot. An asshole too though so don't get all confident." But Haechan could already spot the look of pure smugness on Mark's face. His lips had formed a lopsided smile which Haechan hated to admit that he found attractive.

"Just for your information, I find you hot too." Mark noted and Haechan would have thrown up at the cocky tone if Mark didn't pull it off so well. Because he really did, confidently leaning closer to Haechan who gulped. His brain couldn't quite process what was happening right now and so he just leaned back, eyes falling from Mark's dark brown orbs to his lips. Haechan couldn't tell if it was the weed in his system or just the months and months of pent up tension but Mark's lips looked so soft to kiss right now, even with them being slightly chapped. Haechan could see the moisture glistening on them, presumably from Mark licking his lips so often. But the younger boy wouldn't complain as it was a nice sight.

That was until he was caught, Mark clearing his throat. In embarrassment, Haechan giggled. It was also partially the drug talking that made everything just so much more intense than it had been before.

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