Scene 1

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It has been three years since the death of Dr. Henry Jekyll. His wife Mrs Emma Carew Has been living in a mansion ever since that day of his death. She has never gone into the lab since that day. One night however, she hears a strange voice coming from the lab. She decides to go down and investigate. She hears a faint whisper that sounds like her dead husband calling for her. It's seem to be coming from the mirror that was turned so that the back was facing her. When she turned it around however, she did not see her husband, but rather saw Mr Hyde, Henry's dark alter ego. She screamed out in fear. Hyde held his hands up in a surrender like pose. "Please.... I'm not going to hurt you." Emma looks at him as he said those words. "What the hell do you mean? Why are you here?" She asked the madman. "I need your help. Watch this clip." The man threw her a tape that phased through the mirror like magic. "What is this?" Emma questioned the madman. "I can't say. Please just watch it." He responded. So, Emma decided to watch the clip. When she put it on, she saw Jekyll standing in a scene that looked almost like his lab, completely emotionless. He began to speak. "Emma my love. I don't know how long it has been since I last saw you. But right now, I need your help and so does Hyde. I can't explain much. Hyde will explain most of this. Just listen to me and look around. Think of this as a puzzle." As if on cue, Jekyll began to sing, his face still emotionless. "I've got a record player that was made in 2014
Died my hair blue, it came out a seasick sort of green
I like vintage dresses when they fall just below my knees
I pretend I scraped them climbing in the trees
Sometimes I think all I'm ever doing is, (trees)
Trying to convince myself I'm alive (trees)
Sometimes I think all I'm ever doing is, (trees)
Trying to convince myself I'm alive (trees)" As if on cue, when the song ended, Jekyll disappeared. "HYDE! WHAT WAS THAT, WHY DID HENRY HAVE NO EMOTIONS, AND HOW DO I HELP?" Emma screamed at the older man, tears running down her face. "That was a message. Henry had no emotions because if he did, he would not be able to get his message out to you, and as for how you can help us, find the hidden message in the song. Then read it out loud." The older mans voice echoed through the lab. He then disappeared as well.
What will Emma choose?

Henry has been kidnapped by someone (go to part 3)
Henry has been possessed (Go to part 2)

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