Part 6

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Daniel took Timothy back to his room. Even though apologies were made at dinner there was still the question of penance, at least to Daniel's way of thinking. The rule was if you hurt another boy, you were in for a spanking and Daniel aimed to enforce that rule for the sake of discipline.

"Timmy, " he said, broaching the subject as Timothy settled on the bed and pulled off his socks, "Do you remember what happened at  lunch?"

Timothy nodded, "Yeah?" he said, suspicious of Daniel's motive, "What about it."

"Well, you know we never did settle the score."

Daniel let the implications of that statement sink in. Timothy avoided looking at the boy.

"Well?" Daniel said when he thought he had made his point.

"A spanking?"

"That's right."

Daniel had the boy strip to his underwear and then took him over his knee. The positioning was a bit awkward but Daniel was satisfied at last and began the lesson. Timothy's double-seated briefs emphasized the infantile position he found himself in and as the lesson continued his member grew larger and began to ache. 

When Daniel felt he had got just compensation he released the boy. Timothy stood in front of him, with tears in his eyes. He sought release from the resulting sexual tension from the boy but got none. Daniel went to his dresser and pulled out a blanket sleeper. Timothy, of course, wasted no time. He inserted himself in the garment and pulled up the zipper. 

Daniel smiled. If Timothy wanted any relief at all at this point it would have to come from rubbing his penis through several lays of cloth. Daniel wasn't through yet though. He had Timothy crawl into bed and then tucked him in so tightly that he could hardly move. Any hope that Timothy could satisfy himself was gone. He could barely move his arms. 

Daniel bent over the boy and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, Timmy." He said with a mischievous smile as he placed Timothy's bear next to him. He stood up straight and went to the door. The lights were dimmed and Daniel was gone.

Mark's night was even less restful. He was determined that the magic, or whatever it was Mr. Grinns performed when he read "Goodbye, Doom" that evening wasn't going to infect him. He stayed up reading until the wee hours but eventually sleep overtook him. When he woke up he was wearing the same type of blanket sleeper that Timothy had been wearing and was hugging his teddy bear. 

He panicked when he realized what he was wearing, feeling the same urge to void his bladder and certain that he was under the same spell as Timothy: unable to use the zipper on the garment and moments away from wetting himself.

He went to the door and started yelling for help. Mr. Grinns was there in an instant.

"Mark! Mark!" he said, fighting to hold the struggling boy still so he could render assistance. "What's wrong?'

"You know what's wrong! Look at me!"

"Yeah, so?"

"This thing!" Mark exclaimed, his panic starting to grow again. "I can't unzip it!"

Mr. Grinns took hold of the zipper puller. He moved the zipper down a few inches and then back up.

"You mean like this?" he looked quizzically at the boy. 

Mark was certain that he couldn't move the zipper by himself but Mr. Grinns encouraged him to try and he did. The zipper separated easily. Mr. Grinns smiled and patted the boy on the back. "Why don't you get cleaned up and come to breakfast? We can talk later." Mark carefully zipped up his blanket zipper again and then slowly undid it. Convinced he was wrong, he shed the garment and did as he was told.

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