"But now ..."

Instantly, Ren cut Nick off. "Now isn't going to change anything. We're going to do our best to get out of here. That's that." Ren smiled again and punched Nick in the upper right arm. "You're supposed to be the leader here, not me." A more earnest expression crossed the younger male's countenance. "Things suck right now, but you've survived this before. I know that memories of Cankerfell are tormenting you right now, but I need you to think of how to get out of this; we all need you to. We're always going to look up to you, Nick, so don't sell yourself short." He patted Nick's upper arm. "Okay?"

"I ..." His brown optics stared down to his feet before a slight smile touched his lips. He looked back up. "Yeah. Thanks, Ren." Ren nodded firmly but also in a friendly manner. "Let's keep moving and get out of this mess so that you can ask Chris." Again, the younger male nodded, and Nick directed the flashlight ahead as they began to move forward once more.

In the distance, both of them spotted a door, and if they remembered the blueprints correctly, that room was a maintenance one. The door was ajar, which caused an uneasy feeling to settle in their stomachs. As they approached it, they took slow, careful steps. Their shoes tapped lightly on the back of the tracks, and some of the old wood moaned underneath their weight. No doubt if the creature was in there, he had heard the two of them advancing long before the present moment.

When the light touched the door, Nick and Ren stayed back and peeked in through the crack. Nothing in the room greeted them ... yet. With caution, Nick approached first, and he forced Ren to stay behind him. Like Ren had reminded him, he was the leader, and the leader should go first. Gradually, he rested his fingers on the door before he opened the door at an incredibly slow pace. Light illuminated more of the space inside, and Nick's feet stepped into the room a little bit.

Soon enough, he fully was in the space, and there was no creature inside. He walked in further and signaled for Ren to head in too. Once they both were inside, Nick closed the door and locked it. Yes, the creature would notice the difference in the door's position, but he would hear the two of them regardless, so he'd rather have the door locked than wide open for the creature to slip inside.

Examining the room, Nick walked over to a collection of metal tubs shoved into the far right corner. Some of them were stacked upon each other while other ones were by themselves. All of them were empty, however, but there was questioning coloring on all of them. He crouched down by the tubs and shone the light more on the coloring. Nearly, he almost gagged. Leftover pieces of flesh and blood were caked to the metal.

Not needing to see anyone, he faced away from the tubs and noticed that Ren was over by what looked like a mini freezer. Ren was staring at a marking on the right side of the freezer. The text was in perfect condition, and the creature probably hadn't bothered to wipe it off since he most likely had figured that no one would find the appliance. If they did, they probably would be dead within moments; he hoped that wasn't the case for Ren and him even if the creature had hinted at keeping them around for longer. Living longer under the creature's watch, however, didn't exactly mean a future better than death. At least, Nick assumed that to be the case; he didn't see the creature putting on an act just so that he could hand them out tea and cakes later on.

Joining Ren, Nick highlighted the text with the light, and he sighed out. Both of them knew that Daisy already had been killed and left in a ... gruesome manner. Her first name was etched into the side. "Looks like he had stolen something from her," Ren commented, frowning. "But, how did he preserve the other two? It's been about two months since Erika Clarence had gone missing."

Using the flashlight, Nick directed the younger male's attention over to the tubs. "I'm thinking that he used those and must've used snow from outside to keep them cool. Or, he had stored them outside in places where no one would've thought to look, like in the woods. Maybe, he even had put them up in the trees. They're small enough for that, and he would be capable of getting them up there." A nauseous expression crossed the older male's face at the image of frozen organs residing in the trees. "Whatever the case, it seems like no one had run across them, or the tubs would've been on the news."

Moving the flashlight onto the freezer's cable, Nick spotted that it was plugged in and commented, "Looks like he definitely moved all of them into there." Ren shivered, but his left hand rested on the handle. Nick raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"It's good evidence," Ren muttered, his hand shaking a bit. "We might as well get it while we're stuck in here. We'll hand it to the blog writer. That'll be enough for him."

"I ... Right," Nick sighed out before he motioned for Ren to step aside. "Let me get the picture, then."

Ren, though, had no time to answer, and both of them sharply switched their attention to the door. A light knocking sounded on it. It felt as though their stomachs had dropped into a pit of oblivion. "A picture? Of my food?" An clearly bored chuckle hit their ears. "Shouldn't you both be more worried about your friends? One's left alone and trapped between two platforms, and the other ..." Another chuckle followed, this one holding nothing but malice.

About to shout back, Nick pulled on Ren's left arm and shook his head. "Well, let's just say that she's been moved to her final resting place." Both of their hearts skipped a terrible beat. The creature tapped his left nails against the door. "But, there are spots beside her. All it takes is ..." He didn't finish. Instead, the door handled jiggled and jiggled. Ren and Nick tried not to assume the worst, but his wording had indicated that. Despite such heart-crushing news, they had to remain focused. With the creature on the other side of the door, however, things weren't looking too well for them, and both men wondered how the h*ll they were going to leave the room and get past the murderous entity.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now