18|| Are we talking about the same Brett?

Start from the beginning

"You see, Alyson. You had no place in here. You've stay away from us, all of us. Other way this will be only the begining."

"W-what had I ever done to you?"

The blond glared at me and stood up again, sneering in disgust. "Like you don't know." she spat at me and stormed away like everybody else, leaving me alone in the empty cafeteria. So lonely...

But then through the crowd of unkown people my gaze locked with a known blue one and my heart stopped.

Brett smiled maliciously and came my way.

"I'll take care of it, okay?" as he came closer I noticed another smoothie in his hand. No please... his cruel smile still plastered on his lips as he retracted his arm. "I promise."

I jolted forward, patting my body in search of the cold liquid but finding none; instead discobering myself covered in sweat and panting, a ragged hammering in my chest. The dark familiar surrounding helped me calm down from my panicked state as I fisted the duvet as an anchor.

A dream.

It was a stupid dream. A nightmare.

The soft moonlight slid in through the blinds of my room in a conforting manner and with a heavy sight I leaned backwards again. I was home. I was safe. It was all in my head...

Only that it wasn't.

Maybe that episode had never happen... but my days off were running out and in no time I'd be attending that hellhole all over again. It's been three days since Mr Jones came take report and so far things hadn't change that much. True, the girls involved got a warning but since there were no evidences and their families were kinda powerful there was only so much the school body could do to protect me from 'phantom attackers'.

So, so great, right?

I got cramps everytime I thought of going back after having pissed them off.

Granny was decided to take them down. She had a very heated argument with all their families but it ended changing nothing. She also was very touched when she learned Brett was part of the students that had bothered me. She refused to believe it at first... well I thing she still is in some kinda denial phase.

I shuddered when the end of my dream came again vividly. Ever since he came and promise to take care of it I hadn't heard from him. Well, he had called several times and even shown up again but considering everything I didn't answer nor Granny this time.

The ache in my heart clenched further every attemps he made.

I don't know what else he had to say, but I had enough of him. I won't fall again nor endure their bullshit anymore. I was done. For good this time.

Julia Ryder just called me yesterday too. I took it hesitantly but as always she ended up being the sweetest. She shown me her support and how disappointed she was on Brett, that there must had been some mistake but that he will be properly grounded for his doings. She also offered some motherly comfort and an invitation to come over.

I really missed that woman. She was always like a second mother but lately I'd barely seen nor talked to her and it was then that I realized how I missed her in my life. Another thing Brett took away, I guess.

A quick glance to the clock by the door told me it was barelly pass 3am.

Damn! I could still got some sleep. I better got some sleep. Considering how badly I'd been resting lately, at least now the physical pain was almost unnoticeable and I'd recovered from that massive cold.

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