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Olivia POV:

"Alright... End of the line." I opened my eyes only to realise we all went to sleep. I completely forgot about Kara and Alice so Patrick and I decided to stand up straight away.

"End of the line?" Kara asked. Poor Kara, she definitely needs somewhere to live, even if she's an android she should be allowed to rest. My phone began to go off so I grabbed my phone and saw it was Stella. I turned to Patrick and saw he was nodding his head so I got off the bus and answered the phone

"Stella is everything okay oh please tell me you're doing alright?" I said. I haven't heard from Stella for a while and seeing her ring me for the first time really scared me. Kara, Alice, and Patrick decided to get out the bus so we all headed to the abandoned house

"Olivia I'm alright just had to deal with dad and Gavin" Stella sighed "I decided to defend a deviant in the office but my anger kicked in a little too much so right now I'm bandaging myself up. I couldn't save him Olivia" Stella shouldn't keep her anger inside this is the first time she's hurt herself but it's really scaring me. I feel so bad that she couldn't help her but I know this will make her stonger "Where are you, I have your apartment key?"

Patrick tapped my shoulder and that's when we saw Kara and Alice were talking at the bus station and by the looks of it, she was communicating with a Ralph model. "Patrick and I are heading to Ralph's house. We met up with two deviants named Alice and Kara. They have nowhere to go so we're going to Ralph"

"Shit so that means the owner is going to complain to the police station" Stella cussed. I knew she would see that coming "Okay it's a deviant investigation so Connor, my dad and I will be doing that so I'll try and keep Connor and my dad away from you guys but if something happens it will mean trouble"

"Liv come on quickly. Kara and Alice have a place to stay for tomorrow but for now, we have to go in the house" We headed to the gate and got the pliers that were there when we last came so we cut the gate and allowed Kara to go in first "Is Stella alright?" I shook my head. I mouth 'anger' and 'deviant death' which caused Patrick to look hurt

"Okay be warned. Ralph will attack Kara and Alice since he doesn't know them but when he sees you just tell him it'll be alright" I finally got through the gate and searched the windows "Oh hey Connor" Stella ended the call so I placed my phone in my bag and noticed we lost Alice.

"Alice?.." Kara asked "Alice?" We all turned the corner and saw Alice was pinned to the wall while Ralph pointed his knife at her "Wait! What are you doing?"

"Visitors... Ralph doesn't like visitors! They're nasty! They may hurt Ralph!" I am so sorry for Ralph with what's happened to him I really want to comfort him but it scares me when he's angry. The one who can calm him down is Stella but she's not here so that's going to be an issue.

"Look, I'm an android too..." Kara got his hand in the air and showed Ralph her arm without the skin on "You have nothing to be afraid of... All we want is a place to spend the night..." It's cool to see that Kara can do that but no matter what Ralph is scared of visitors. Patrick and I stood in the background and watched what would happen.

"Visitors are dangerous. Look..." Ralph replied, "What they did to Ralph." Ralph turned his head and showed Kara her wounds. Seeing what humans do to androids definitely shows me how much Stella really cares for them. If only Stella's wish came true we wouldn't be dealing with pain and damage.

"You have nothing to worry about... We're not going to do you any harm. You have my word." Kara is so kind-hearted. I love how kind she's being towards Ralph. Patrick and I came into view and allowed Ralph to see us which caused him to smile but when he noticed Stella wasn't with us he looked upset.

Alice ran to Kara causing her to use herself as a shield for Alice "You must excuse Ralph... Ralph still finds it difficult to control himself..." Stella has been able to calm Ralph no matter what maybe I should ask her to come here and help us because he may hurt Kara or Alice.. or even Patrick and me "Sometimes his fear makes him do things he regrets. Ralph has seen some hard times. He's just so scared the humans will get him again. You can stay if you want. Ralph won't hurt you..."

"Okay." Oh, thank god she said okay. "We'll just stay the night." Whenever you're nice to Ralph he gets really cute and kind even though he is holding a knife. Patrick placed his hand on my shoulder so I placed my hand on his for comfort.

"Come on! Come!" Ralph began to bounce up and down in happiness "Come! Come on! This way!" We started heading in the house "Ralph has lived here since he ran away... Ralph never goes outside, so no one knows he lives here... Humans come in to squat from time to time, but you know, Ralph just hides 'til they leave. The only friends Ralph has is Olivia, Patrick me his best friend Stella" He sees Patrick and me as friends that's so sweet "Come on! You can make yourself at home here. Ralph is gonna go into the other room..." We headed into the house and instantly Ralph's expression changed "He would like to stay with you... But he has things to do..."

I decided to follow Ralph into the room "Ralph" he quickly turned to me and smiled "I am so sorry Stella isn't here. She's a little busy saving androids from all humans but she did tell me to do this" she never told me to do anything but it will make him happy. I walked up to him and hugged him which caused him to hug back "She really does miss you, Ralph, just remember that"

"Thank you, Olivia. Ralph is really happy to hear that from you" Ralph released me and decided to carve RA9 on the wall with his knife. I went in the living room and saw Alice was near the fire while Patrick was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall so I decided to sit by him.

"Why didn't he ever love me? Why was he always so upset with me? All I wanted was a life like other girls." So it seems like she was abused by her owner... "Maybe I did something wrong? Maybe I wasn't good enough? That's why he was always so angry. I just wanted us to be a family. I just wanted him to love me. Why couldn't we just be happy?" Oh so she was someone's daughter but why would a father abuse his daughter

"I don't know..." So wait did Alice have Kara for a while or was she a new android. There must be a bigger story for them, a newly made android couldn't just turn deviant straight away there's something I don't know about their story. Hopefully tomorrow they have a great place to stay so Patrick and I can help Stella then but for now, we are going to help them.

Alice turned to look at Kara "You'll never leave me, right? Promise you'll never go!" So it seems as Alice sees her as a mother and Kara doesn't know she's android still so I guess I shouldn't spoil it and let them be together.

"I promise" That is so cute. I know that they are going to be together for a long time. They are perfect together, I just hope when Patrick and I leave them they will be okay together.

"Will we be together forever?" Alice asked. Everything will be alright as long as the police don't capture you. I feel so bad for all the androids with everything that happens to them is just disgusting. Now I understand why Stella loves androids so much but with her father and her job it's not a great match to join deviants.

"Forever," Kara responded. Alice began to crawl to Kara and pulled her into a hug which Kara gladly accepted. Kara placed her hands on Alice's face and smiled "You've got to sleep. Sleep tight, Alice." Alice decided to lie down so Kara kissed her and went to sleep by her side.

"Kara." I went in my bag and got a pen and paper and wrote my number on it and gave it to Kara "If you need to communicate with us you can always call me and we will come to you" Kara took and smiled to us

I sat down on the floor next to Patrick and placed my head on his shoulder "Patrick" Patrick looked at me "Maybe we're doing the right thing" I smiled "Stella is right, androids are alive and they should be free"

Patrick smiled "Yeah I know... I never understood why Stella loved androids but now I know" I'm glad to hear that "Androids are suppose to be free" I noticed Patrick's expression changed "I'm just wondering..." He looked at me "You're questioning" I nodded my head "You've never felt love so what if it's not with a human" wait why is he thinking of that? "Androids are turning deviant... They can feel happiness and love so maybe you have a sexuality but not towards humans"

"Patrick no offence" I pushed him away from me causing him to laugh "But that sounds really stupid" Patrick got himself up and smiled. "Thanks for making me happy Patrick" Patrick wrapped his arm around me "You're a great friend"

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