The Interrogation

Start from the beginning

"Then talk to me," Connor announced. Why try and make him trust you why even try Connor. I thought if I joined the police no androids would get destroyed, oh how stupid I was. Please just let him go... please.

"I... I can't..." That's it doesn't say anything to him, don't let them win... Just fight back. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh to calm myself down, it's bad enough I'm making a scene now so I have to keep my cool down. I can't show others I am on the deviant side, I don't wanna know what would happen to a human like me if they found out.

"I understand how you felt. You were overcome by anger and frustration. No one can blame you for what happened." I placed my hands on my face and let out one last shy, I understand I am just like my dad but if you haven't noticed I keep my anger in while my dad doesn't care what he does. Me keeping my anger isn't a good thing, I don't get hurt but my friends always get hurt... emotionally. "Listen, I'm not judging you. I'm on your side. All I want is the truth." Bullshit Connor just bullshit. "If you remain silent, there is nothing I can do to help you! They're gonna shut you down for good! You'll be dead! Do you hear me? Dead!"

"He tortured me every day..." He gave up... I knew it would have happened, I couldn't stop it "I did whatever he told me, but there was always something wrong..." that prick "Then one day. He took a bat and started hitting me..." there had to be a reason... was it because of the red ice? "For the first time, I felt scared. Scared he might destroy me, scared I might die so I...grabbed the knife and I stabbed him in the stomach... I felt better so I stabbed him again and again! until he collapsed... There was blood everywhere." It was self-defence I understand that.

"Why did you write 'I AM ALIVE' on the wall?" Connor asked. Well duh to obviously show everyone that androids are alive why else would he. Am I really the only one that supports androids in this world or something it's ridiculous.

"He used to tell me I was nothing..." Well, that's because it's coming from someone who is a complete ass "That I was just a piece of plastic. I had to write it. To tell him he was wrong..." He was wrong you are something... you are alive just keep thinking that.

"The sculpture in the bathroom, you made it, right? What does it represent?" Connor asked. I was wondering that too, it had RA9 written on the wall too. The sculpture looked great though but it just confuses me so much.

"It's an offering... An offering so I'll be saved..." So it is for RA9, it's nice to know all deviants will believe in RA9 and truthfully RA9 will save everyone I know they will somehow. I turned my head slightly and saw Connor glanced at me so I kept an eye on the android instead.

"The sculpture was an offering... An offering to whom?" Connor asked. So not everyone knows who RA9 is then, that's interesting to know. The only reason I know who RA9 is was Ralph kept scratching it in the abandoned house so I just jumped to a conclusion thinking that RA9 is the deviant god that can save them all

"To RA9... Only RA9 can save us." If I only knew who this RA9 is I would join them to help all deviants but no one knows who this RA9 is but hopefully we will all know who RA9 is eventually.

"Why did you hide in the attic instead of running away?" You would have tracked him down anyway and haven't you seen his state he's scared out of his mind. I turned around and placed my back on the wall. If I was a deviant I would hide somewhere because I would be scared to get damaged again.

"I didn't know what to do... For the first time, there was no one there to tell me... I was scared... So I hid." Oh jeez, that's bad, all androids need owners and not having someone to tell you what to do is really bad.

Connor got to his feet "I'm done." He headed to the door so I walked up to the android and placed my hand on his. Connor opened the door allowing everyone to come in. Gavin and dad came in and just stood there while the cop unlocked his cuffs

"Alright let's go" The policeman tried to get him up but didn't even realise that the android is still in shock. Why can't he see he's in shock. I looked at my dad and saw he was glaring at me but it didn't bother me one bit.

"Leave me alone" The android jerked away causing me to back up from him "Don't touch me" his stress is going to increase we don't want the android to self destruct now do we. We... You all need more info from him.

"The fuck are you doing? Move it!" Gavin responded. The policeman carried on trying but it was doing anything, it's just making the androids scared why can't they let me do it, it would be easier. He trusts me, he knows I'm on his side.

"You shouldn't touch it. It'll self-destruct if it feels threatened." Thank you, Connor, thanks for trying to help. I would help but there's Gavin and also my dad, I can't deal with all of that shit today, I just need to focus on trying to help him.

"Stay outta this, got it? No fuckin' android is gonna tell me what to do." I hate Gavin so fucking much, he thinks he's the best and can do whatever he wants but really everyone fucking hates his guts, even my dad does. "Chris, gonna move this ass hole or what?" A human trying to move an android is not a good mix. Androids are stronger than us I thought that would be obvious.

"I'm trying!" Chris, you are so fucking stupid just give up and leave him alone. I placed my hands on my head and spun around and noticed I was facing the wall, just leave the android alone please it's not fair. I looked at Connor and saw he wasn't planning on doing anything

I can't take it anymore. I decided to punch the wall as hard as I could causing everyone to stare at me. I turned around and got my hand out allowing the android to run to my side "I can't let you do that! Leave him alone, now!" I looked at the android and saw he was calming himself down which made me relax.

"I've warned this plastic prick so I'm not warning you, motherfucker!" Gavin pointed his gun at me which caused my dad to react quickly.

"The truth is inside." What does the android mean by that? The truth is in what exactly. It should be super important right? The deviant snatched my gun so I spun around to stop him but I was too late he shot himself leaving his deactivated body on the ground

"Holy shit..." Dad gasped. I looked at the deviant in shock and sadness. I did my best to help him but I never knew I couldn't help him. I failed to save my first deviant "Stella are you okay?" I didn't look at my dad instead I looked at my knuckle to stop myself from crying in front of everyone

"I'm going to bandage my hand" I began to walk to the door but my dad stopped me "Okay I know you're angry at me but androids should be allowed to be themselves. I know I risked my life but I don't care he was going to self destruct and I didn't want that and yes I was going to set him free but he's dead now. Happy" I headed out the room and walked to the nearest first aid kit. I grabbed it and went to my desk.

I placed my headphones on and started listening to my music. I cleaned up the cuts on my fist and began to bandage myself up but I stopped when I saw Connor. I took my headphones off "Let me help you" Connor got a seat and was about to help me but I pulled away "Please Stella. I insist" Connor could have helped me but hopefully he can help next time. I allowed him to help me.

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