Chapter 3- The Incident

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Grayson's P.O.V
I awake laying in between the boys. I sit up and look at the time it's 5:17 in the morning. I get up and walk down stairs to the kitchen. I grab eggs, bread, pancake mix, and bacon. I start cooking the pancakes first. When I'm finished I put them in the microwave and start on the bacon. While cooking the bacon I put the bread in the toaster. I then cook the eggs and fix three plates one for me, one for Jackson and one for Levi. I leave the played on the island and grab three cups. I walk upstairs to wake the boys. We all walk back down stairs and they sit down. - what do you want to drink? - I asked. - orange juice please - Levi stated. - same - Jackson agreed with Levi. I look in the fridge and grab the orange juice. I pour it into the cups and put the juice back in the fridge. Then stand on the other side of the island and start eating. - why are you standing? - Jackson asked. - because...- I replied. He stands up and grabs my wrist and pulls me to him. Then sits back down pulling me with him so I'm sitting on top of him. I instantly blush and try to squirm out of his grasp. - stop squirming and eat - Jackson said as he slid my plate Infront of me. I sat still and grabbed my fork. I poked at my pancakes and shivered nervously. - your fine... Why are you nervous? - Jackson cooed in my ear. - n-no... reason - I gulped. - then eat... - he said as rubbing my outer thigh. I quickly took a fork full of my pancakes and chewed trying not to show any emotions. - there ya go... Babe - Levi cooed softly. While swallowing I sorta choked on what Levi said and grasped my throat taking a drink of my orange juice. They both started to laugh. While Jackson wasn't paying attention I swiftly stood and moved out of his reach. - aww come on now he was joking. - Jackson giggled.- n-not funny I almost c-choked! - I said with anger and shock mixed in with my voice. They get up and walk over to me Levi Infront and Jackson behind me. I look down nervously.
Levi's P.O.V
I grab Graysons jaw and pull it upwards to face me. I look into his eyes and suddenly kiss him. I stop and turn him towards Jackson. As knowing he wanted a kiss too. After a few minutes of taking turns kissing Grayson he pushes us away and says - we have school. -. We walk back upstairs and into the bedroom. I watch as Grayson gets undressed and changes into some black skinny jeans with holes down the front and a white long sleeve shirt. Black boots and I large white choker to his the huge bruise on his neck that I caused. He then walks over into the bathroom and grabs some hairspray. Walks back into the bedroom and Infront of the closet door to stand Infront of the long mirror. - what's in there? - I asked with a slight hesitant breath. - NOTHING! - he practically yelled at the top of his lungs. - ok ok - I said while eyeing the door. I finished watching him fix his hair and put the hairspray back. - go get dressed - said Grayson with confusion and anger - a-and you don't have to watch me get d-dressed either -. Me and Jackson chuckled as we walk to the other bedroom to get some clothes. I put on some denim jeans with a few holes here and there with a navy blue almost black looking shirt. I slip on my shoes and look aver at Jackson who now has on white nikes, white skinny jeans that look just like Graysons, and a yellow shirt. We all meet outside and get in my truck.
•••••••••••••••••••At School•••••••••••••••••••
Jackson's P.O.V
After Levi parked I got out and opened the back door for Grayson. When we all stepped out of the truck everyone that was near started to stare at us. It made Grayson feel uncomfortable. I knew that because the slid behind me and grabbed my arm. I shut the doors then turn around and peck Grayson on the forehead. Everyone gasped and Graysons cheeks where a bright shade of red, heck his whole face was red. - w-why'd you d-do that? - he said nervously with a stutter.
Levi's P.O.V
- ok loves stop messing around and come on, we can finish this after school - I chuckled out. - W-wha-t? No! - he said nervously while almost completely yelling. - let's go to class - I explained.
••••After School because it's boring••••
Grayson's P.O.V
- ughh.... I'm Soo tired - I exaggerated. - well when we get in the truck you can lean on me and take a cat nap because we are going out of town - Jackson cooed softly at me. - where to? - I asked. - that's a surprise - Levi said. - ugh..... Fine! - I exaggerated. We get in the truck all three of us up front. Levi driving, me in the middle, and Jackson in the passenger seat. I laid my head on Jackson's shoulder and fell asleep.
Jackson's P.O.V
- well now that he's asleep what now. - I questioned. - we drive far out of town to an empty road or something and then we fuck him.... easy it's been something I've wanted to do for a while - Levi whispered. - ok sounds good to me.... but couldn't we just do this at one of our houses? - I questioned. Levi slams the breaks and Grayson accidentally headbutts the dashboard. I look at him - are you alright? - I asked. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and blood on his forehead. - OH MY GOD! - i said loudly. Levi grabbed Graysons jaw and turned him to face him. When he saw his face he was shocked. - we need to get him to a hospital. Lay him down and put some pressure on his head. - he said as he turned the car around and sped off back towards town. - do you have any napkins - I asked. - yeah in the glove department - he said while pointing at it. - I-IT H-HU-RTS!! - Grayson screamed in pain while gripping the side of his head and crying. I open the glove department and see a box of condoms. - really condoms? - I surprisingly asked. - yeah you never know when you'll need them - he replies with a cheeky smirk on his face. I grab a handful on napkins and shit the glove department. I put the napkins on Grayson's forehead and pressed down putting light pressure on it. At first he was kicking and screaming but he soon passed out. When I looked out the window we was about to pull into the hospital. When we did Levi got out and ran inside. A few minutes later he comes running outside with a bunch of doctors and nurses following him. I stepped out leaving Grayson there so the doctors could get to him.
Levi's P.O.V
- this is an my daughter - I said in distress. - no it's not - Jackson said as he walked over to me. He kisses me. When we finished kissing we stood there cuddled up next to each other. About 27 minutes later the doctor came out. - may I ask your relationship with the patient? - the nurse said. - we are his boyfriend's - me and Jackson said at the same time. The nurse looked shock and I couldn't help but to laugh at the face she was making. - uuhh- uh would you please follow me to his room please? - she asked in a shocked tone. We followed her into the room to see Grayson. He had a bandage on his head that covered up 17 stitches. He looked at us as tears ran down his pale looking face. - aww don't cry babe - me a Jackson cooed as we walked over to him and stood on either side of the bed he was in. We both kissed him on his cheeks and then sat in the chairs along the wall. - he may go home tonight. We just have to finish his paperwork - the doctor said this time. - ok thank you - I blurted.
•••••••••••••••An hour later•••••••••••••••••
Graysons P.O.V
I wake up and then sit up some. My vision is somewhat blurry so I try to focus it. I look over at the boys and they are asleep. - j-jackson... - I whisper yelled. Jackson woke up and looked at me. He shook Levi awake. - ready to go home? - Levi cooed. - y-yea-h - I stuttered out. They walked over to me and helped me stand. We walked out of the hospital and to Levi's truck. I got in the back and they got in the front.
••••••••••••••••••At home•••••••••••••••••••••
Jackson's P.O.V
Levi walks over and helps Grayson out of the truck. I pick him up and he raps his arms and legs around me. We go inside and I put him on the couch. Levi turns on the TV. - what do you want to watch - Levi said as scrolling through netflix. - r-riverdale please - he whispered. As Levi turned on Riverdale I asked him - what do you want to eat?-. He looked at me in thought. - umm.... Y'all can pick this time - he said in excitement. - alright we will see you when dinner is done - I say as I kiss his cheek. I take off his choker while Levi takes off his shoes. - T-thanks - he says shyly. - see you soon babe - I said as me and Levi walked into the kitchen and started making dinner. We made Spicy noddles with spicy cheese dough, and small boneless chicken wings to dip in the cheese. ( Sound so good right now lol ). After it was done Levi grabbed the plate so I could put the food on them. Also some bowls to put the cheese in. We take our plates into the living room but before we sat down Grayson said, - nu-uh no eating in here -. We walk back into the kitchen with him following us. Me and Levi sat down while Grayson stood. - come sit - I said sternly trying to get him to come as I pat my leg. - o-ok - he stuttered out as he walked over to me and sat down on my lap. We all started eating in silence until Levi broke it by asking - how was your day at school?-. - good - me and Grayson said at the same time. - I'm full I said as putting my hands in Grayson's inner thigh. He flinches and says, - w-wha-t are you d-doin-g -. I lay my head on his shoulder and kiss it while also nibbling on it. He let out a soft whimper while telling me to stop. I stopped knowing he's in some pain from the car incident. After we were all finished eating Levi and I done the dishes. Then headed up stairs to change and go to bed. Grayson took off his shirt and pants to put on a oversized shirt again. I took my shirt and pants off to put some basketball shorts on. Levi did the same as me. They got in the bed and laid there while I went to go turn the light off. I got on the bed and cuddled up to Graysons side so I could get comfortable and warm. It was pretty cold but I didn't feel like moving because his touch is so nice so I just stayed there and fell asleep.


Ok I'm going to leave it off here because net chapter your going to meet some new characters.... And plus I'm really tired lol. Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of my story!
Word Count: 1963

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