Chapter 2

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Harley gasped when someone else shouted the same thing he did.

He scrambled to his feet, rubbing the spot on his head that throbbed as another boy shoved past him onto the stage.

"HEY WAIT-" Harley began to shout, chasing after the boy.

And there was no way in heck he was going to let that boy go into the arena with Ashley.

That boy was the biggest bully from victor's village, and he often made it difficult to walk alone on the roads leading out of the village.

His name was Flynn Howard, his father being the victor of the one hundred and first games at the age of eighteen.

"Shove off wimp, go back to the ditch where you came from and let me have my victory." Flynn growled as Harley tromped onstage and stood between Ashley and Flynn.

If Harley didn't have a good enough reason before volunteering, he definitely got one when he saw the malicious glint in Flynn's hazel eyes.

There was absolutely no way he was going to let Flynn step one foot in that arena with Ashley.

"Now now boys, hold on a second while we get the footage so we can see who really volunteered first." Chuck chuckled nervously.

The tension in the air between the two boys was almost tangible.

It was like each boy was waiting for the other to snap to begin in a brawl to the death for the district one male spot in the one hundred and twenty fifth annual hunger games.

A person ran through the crowd, coming from behind one of the cameras holding a small tablet as she shoved it into Chuck's hands, tapping on the screen.

A projection flew in front of Chuck, and it showed a replaying of just moments before.

Harley anxiously watched the screen, his past self collapsing and reawakening when Jacob's name was called.

Chuck paused the video just as the two boys said I.

Harley's hand was already raised, high above his head, long before Flynn's.

Flynn growled something about corrupted footage as two peacekeepers pulled the furious seventeen year old boy out of the square.

Jacob was also sent offstage, and he slouched back into the mix of the victor's children.

"Now, back into order, what is your name boy?" Chuck asked, holding a microphone to his mouth.

"Uh . . Harley, Harley Ridge, youngest son of former victor Garcia Ridge, winner of the ninety third hunger games." He managed to stammer out as he tugged on the ends of his hair.

"Splendid!!! Now shake hands." Chuck grinned before turning back to face the audience.

The cold look Ashley had in her eyes when they shook hands said enough about what she thought of Harley's decision.

But he didn't regret it.

Not yet anyway.


"And now, as it is a Quarter Quell, we have one more addition to these games as a twist-" Chuck was saying, which made both Harley and Ashley frown.

"You two," he turned his frame to face the two tributes, "are going to be able to select who is your mentor, remember, it has to be a victor of the games, but it can be any victor, you aren't just limited to your parents."

Ashley was handed the mic first.

She bit her lip as her gaze fell on her father.
She didn't want to bring him back to the place he had just gotten rid of.
But she knew it was her best bet. She would do whatever he told her, and he was the only victor alive that had survived a Quarter Quell before.

"Benjamin Hunter." Ashley murmured into the microphone before she handed it over to Harley.

"Garcia Ridge." Harley said, shooting a slightly guilty glance at the woman who was brought onto the stage.

Ashley found herself staring at her shoes, which were nice enough, but the dust from the air was settling on it as Chuck rambled on an on about how it is an honor to be this year's victors and such.

She didn't hear him.

It was easier to tune him out, then she could prevent herself from punching something.

She felt numb as she was led into the Justice building, alongside her father.

When they were shut into the room, her apology slipped past her lips in a rush.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring you back to the capitol but I didn't trust any of the other victors to lead me through there, and I wasn't sure-"

"Hey-" Ben cut her off, tilting her chin up so she could look him in the eye. "It's okay, for the record, I'm glad you chose me because I know a hell of a lot of other victors who would love to make you run into danger, just to get to me."

"Why would they do that?" Ashley asked, sitting down on the sofa after Ben did.

"I'm not . . . the most likeable person." Her father shrugged as if it was a known fact.

"Because you won the Quarter Quell as the youngest victor in history? And they're jealous you outshone them? Or is there some other reason?" Ashley asked, pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Probably one of the reasons why." Ashley's mother said from the doorway.

The two turned their heads in her direction as the tall woman pulled back her long black hair.

She sat in between Ashley and her father as Jacob trailed in behind her.

"Momma-" Ashley began to say her goodbyes, but she placed a finger on her lips.

"There is no need, I already know dear. We will see each other again soon, you are ready for this. You will come back." Her mother kissed the top of Ashley's head and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Ashley blinked back tears as her mother stood and directed her attention towards Ben.

"Take care of her please." Her mother whispered, placing a kiss on Ben's cheek.

Ben nodded, a hint of a sad smile on his face. "You know I will."

Jacob was about to leave with their mother, but Ashley jumped up from her seat and ran over to him.

She wrapped her arms around his tall, skinny frame and whispered. "I'll miss you."

Jacob cleared his throat and patted her back awkwardly.

His voice was rough when he spoke quietly. "Me too."

Then the peacekeepers entered, escorting Ashley's mother and Jacob out of the room.

Her father cleared his throat when Harley entered the room, followed by his mother and a squad of peacekeepers.

Ashley squinted her eyes at Harley before walking straight up to him and slapping him across the face.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Ashley yelled at him as Ben pulled her back.

Harley rubbed his cheek and shook his head, scoffing. "You think I would let you into the arena with someone like him?! No way, you'd be dead within a minute of the opening gong!" His voice was steadily quiet, but firm and calm at the same time.

"That's my problem not yours!! Now at least one of us is going to have to die!!" Ashley felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she grew more and more upset.

Harley paled, but he still didn't apologize. "You're welcome." He huffed as he and his mother were led out of the room.

Her father said nothing as Ashley groaned into her hands in exasperation.

-Agent Emily

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