Getting Detention

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(P.S~~I think I will put memes/quotes/pictures/songs stuff like that above all chapters just because I am the author, this is my book, and I can do what I want!)

Allison and I were darting out of class before the bell even finished ringing. "Ugh! She took our phones!" I complained to the rest of us in the group chat. They all nod. "Ours too!" Laney shouts. We all sit there grumpily until a light bulb pops over my head. I smirk evilly, thinking of a way to get our phones back. "Okay I've got a plan!" I shout. We all get excused from study hall and walk to the bathroom. "Okay. Laney, Emery, Sienna, Annalen, and Allison will distract the teacher. Addison and I will sneak in and take our phones back," I explain. We all nod and we know that this is Ms.Melanie's free period. I send the other girls out, and they start hitting lockers and running. The teacher comes out and starts yelling and telling them to come back. Addison and I sneak in before the door slammed loudly. I go to her drawer and yank it. "It's locked," I groaned. Addison smiled and pulled out a bobby pin. She wiggles the bobby pin and the drawer opens. "Got it now let's hur-" I start but I feel somebody staring at us. I gulp and turn around. "Ms.Kinney...Ms.Jones. I have no choice but to give y'all detention today," she growls angrily. She grabs both of us by our forearms and starts dragging us to the principals office. The other girls are slowly following behind. "And I will contact you guys parents and y'all have detention after school. You have to be in the gym by 3 o'clock sharp," the principle spat. We all trudge out of his office, all grimacing when the door slammed behind us. "I'm sorry guys," I mumble. They shrug and we all slowly but surely walk to our last three classes of the day.

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