Oh No!!!

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Reese's POV

I woke up and looked at my phone with sleepy eyes. It took me a second to register what time it was. "WHAT?! MY ALARM DIDN'T GO OFF!" I screamed. I fell out of bed in a heap of blankets and sheets. I scrambled to my feet and ran to my closet. "Great! It's only the first day and I'm already going to be late!" I yelled at myself. I go to scream for Carson but then it dawns on me. My dad took him a month ago...my mom and I watched as my father took my brother away from us. The court had made us or it wouldn't have happened. I sighed and got dressed. I didn't depend on my mom for breakfast or things like that anymore. She has gone into full robot mode. She never leaves her room, doesn't go to work, she barely even eats! I quickly pull in my boots and start brushing my hair. I groan when I see a scar above my eyebrow. I deal with my pain in a different way than my mother. I went outside and stayed alone. I climbed trees, shot arrows across the field, and fixed up my old tree house. It could hold fifteen people at the most. I start brushing my teeth and doing my eyelashes. I quickly run back into my room and start grabbing the things I need. Phone. AirPods. Check Book. Wallet. Dagger. Pepper Spray. Cash. Gum. Mints. Notebook. I quickly slung my backpack over my shoulder and darted down the stairs. "By mom!" I shouted. I already knew she wouldn't respond but I couldn't help but get a little bit of hope that she'd be up and happy overnight. I lean down and pick up one of our puppies. "By Peter! I wuv you," I squeal in a baby voice. I smile and grab my keys off the hook. I jump into the car after tossing my backpack in like it was a sack of potatoes. I turn the ignition and drive off. 'What a great first day!' I thought sarcastically.

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