"My best friend at my house and she bored" I said with a chuckle

"Ohh ok good I thought you had grown quite bored with me"

"No she actually set me up on a date with someone tomorrow but I don't think I'm gonna go"

"Wait I'm supposed to going on a date tomorrow who's your best friend?"


"Wow I can't believe this your best friend set us up and we met each other the day before"

"Wow what a fucking day huh?"

Skip date (well I guess you could say date)

We was walking home well you should say i was walking Derek home with me.

"How do you hold your liquor so we'll?"

"Well I been drinking with my dad since I was 7 so my body is immune to beer"

"Well that's good to know"

"Cmon let get you in the house"

"Who's house is this?"


"Oh wow this place is huge"

"I know let's get you into bed"

"Oh you getting me into bed already"

"I'm trying to now come on"

We came in the house and I let kilo and buffy roam the house. I put Derek arm around me and went to the bedroom. I took his coat off and his shirt off I saw he had a lot of tattoos I ran my hand up and down his chest admiring his tats and how toned it was.

"That feels good"

"I like how u express yourself through your tats"

I look up at him and he already looking at me so I kiss him. He runs his hands through my hair.

"Your hair is like sza's long and curly"

Buffy and kilo came and jumped on the bed and I turned on the tv on Hulu. I got up and changed into some shorts and a t shirt with no bra. When I laid down in the bed he snuggled up to me with his head on my chest. I took his glasses off his face and I rubbed his head until he fell asleep.

When I woke up Derek was not in the bed but kilo and Buffy was so I figured Derek was still here. Kilo jumped off the bed and went in another room then came back with a note. I grabbed the note and kissed the top of his head.

Good morning sweetheart thank you for taking care of me last night I really appreciate it and you chey came and checked on you I asked her what your favorite breakfast meal was and she said waffles and very thick bacon was your favorite so come downstairs and eat

I smiled looking at the note I grabbed my robe and and went to the kitchen. I sat on top of my island looking at Derek cook with no shirt on his back muscles looking good I was just staring looking at him.

"Well hello sweetheart how did you sleep?"

"I slept ok being I had someone up under me"

"Yea I know I'm sorry about that I drunk some of your gatorades and a beer"

"It's ok I don't mind I mean you are cooking me breakfast considering you bought this because I don't remember having anything to make food"

"Anytime it seems our dogs are getting along good"

"Yea Buffy is very friendly especially the attractive men"

"What was that?"

" nothing you're hearing stuff I said this food smells really good"

" oh ok"

The door bust open with a hungry chey walking through the door. She walks in and sees him finishing up the bacon shirtless. He handed me a plate and I said my prayer and ate my food in peace. When we were both done Derek got up and put his clothes on from last night and went home.

"Did you have fun with him last night?"

"Yea we talked and drunk it was nice you did a great job"

"Hey what are best friends for I was really tired of guys breaking your heart because you deserve the world and I love you"

"Hold up what's wrong why are you being so nice you're only nice when somethings wrong"

"I just found out I'm pregnant my grandma noticed and I took a test"

"Omg I'm gonna be a auntie I can't wait"

I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"You know who the father is?"

"Yea it's actually Derek-"

"Derek is the dad?"

"Let me finish how Derek's best friend Nate"

"Girl my heart had stopped"

"I wouldn't do you like that you're my best friend"

Daddy Luh Dirty/Cute Interracial ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now