Chapter 2-Where you get in a tough situation

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You feel you heartbeat quickening by the second,  fear taking over your body. The large skeleton towering over you scoffs and situates the fedora on his wide skull.

"tch, yer notin' like a mouse...but a rat. now that seems fittin'." You lower your head in shame, tears almost brimming in your eyes. The skeleton seems to notice this and frowns deeply. 

"what t'hell ya cryin' fer? not like 'm gonna...oh." He loosens his hold on you and you break from his grip all together. He looks like he's about to say something but his..lips?..tighten. He's turns to leave. You spare a glance at his retreating form and chew your lip in thought. 

 "Hey! Uhm..wait, Mr. Skeleton. Uh.. I'm.. I'm sorry i took your hat." He barely looks over his shoulder before speaking in a rough but low voice and walking away.

 "ya should be."

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next few weeks were just as slow as the ones before. The incident in the alleyway was the only memorable thing to happen. You never saw that skeleton in the bar, until today. He strolls into the bar like he owns the place, and at the sight of him your body automatically stiffens. He plops himself down on a bar stool and orders some straight vodka from Georges. 

 You peek out from your position in the back room, hoping he doesn't see it. You then slip out to take orders trying to be as sneaky as possible. Taking one from a young shark monster couple, you quickly head back to the kitchen. Only, you're stopped by a boney hand lightly gripping your arm as you walk by. 

 Wincing you turn to face none other than Big, Red and Boney. 

 "didn' know ya work 'ere, rat." He says, grinning malevolently. You sigh tiredly and try to pull your arm free. 

"Yes, i do. Now can i get back to it? Thanks." You walk back to the entrance of the kitchen, and begin helping to prepare the food and drinks. The only other employees there are a deer chef and a nice bunny monster who cleans/helps to cook. 

 Suddenly you hear an obnoxious voice from the bar.

 "ay, rat. we aren't don ere! come 'n serve me a drink, why dontcha?" You grimace and walk back out to the bar, throwing your co-workers an apologetic look. Sighing, you stand in front of the loud skeleton and give him a bored facial expression.

 "What is it i can get for you, Mr. Bones? And the name's (Y/N) so you can STOP calling me rat. It was a one time thing alright?" You inwardly kick yourself, knowing full well that wasn't true. But you hated that nickname.  

 He chuckles lowly, and gestures to the vodka behind you. You grab a few shot glasses and pour a bit into each, sliding them to him carefully. He grunts, apparently his way of saying thank you. 

 "wa's the matta with ya? don' like bein' called out fer what ya are?" He drains two of the three glasses in seconds grinning widely at your uncomfortable-ness.

 "Look, i said I'm sorry okay? I didn't think.." You trail off, rubbing your arm. He frowns, getting a little visibly irritated. 

 "didn' think what? that i'd come lookin for the hat i was wearin' on ma fuckin' head?" He hisses out, slamming the final empty glass against the polished wood counter. This makes you jump and you chew your lip a bit, nervous now. You take a deep breath and calm yourself down. 

 He shifts in his seat, grumbling. 

 "why did'ja do it, 'nyways?" He says, crossing his big arms against his ribs. You move uncomfortably and look anywhere but into his white pin-pricked eye sockets. 

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