Y/N heard the girls talking and they seemed scared and worried about their teammate, Y/N tighten her grip around the start of her bag. The h/c haired girl began to wonder what her brother was doing and why he came back home late. Kurusu noticed the silence from Y/N, "L/N, what do you like to do?" Y/N head perks up and her face showed her happy self, "I enjoy f/h and baking!", Kurusu raised his brow at the baking "I didn't expect you to be the baking type."

Y/N was taken aback, "What's that suppose to mean!?", Kurusu just avoided making eye contact with the angry girl. "I'll try to bake you something tomorrow okay?" Kurusu could only smile at the girl behaviour, "Can't wait."

They soon arrived to their classroom and class started. Half way through the class Y/N was writing down notes when she taste something bitter on her tongue. She tried to ignore the bitterness, but it was too much for her that she raised her hand and asked if should could use the restrooms. Y/N was given permission and rushed out of the classroom, with black and blue eyes following her figure.

Y/N went to the bathroom's sink and tried to wash away the bitterness, but it only gotten stronger. Y/N quietly muttered to herself, "Why? Why won't it go away?" Y/N tried to scrub away the bitterness, but sighed in defeat. "I guess I'll wait for lunch to get rid of it." and Y/N got out of the bathroom and started walking to class. Y/N noticed a girl with dark lifeless eyes and her skin covered in bruises, and soon the bitterness became stronger that she wanted to vomit. Her stomach started to twist and turn into knots, Y/N looked at the girl who passed her and saw her walk up the stairs.

Y/N leaned against the wall to try to balance herself and wiped the sweat off her forehead as she thought to herself, "Something wrong. Like something bad going to happen, and it involves with that girl. This isn't the first time that this has happened. I need to check." Y/N pushed herself off the wall and ran up the stairs. Y/N skipped the third floor and ran to the rooftop, "Please don't let me see her at the roof... please. Just let her be in class." Y/N bust through the door and saw the girl on the other side of the fence.

The girl was looking over the view on top of the roof when she heard the door loudly open and she turned around to see scared e/c eyes. The only thing separating them was the fence, Y/N slowly started walking towards the girl.

Y/N tried to muster out words, but what was she supposed to say. Y/N swallow her saliva and tried to talk her out of it, "T-think. Think what you are about to do. In the back of your mind you know you don't want this. A part of you doesn't want this." The girl looked at Y/N her lifeless eyes showed her pain and fear. Y/N continue to slowly get closer to the girl "I know that feeling... the feeling of wanting to escape and run away. But if you leave, you'll leave behind the people that care about you. Your family and friends." The dull eye girl looked down and quietly mumble, "Ann" spoke the scared girl. Y/N was inching closer to the gate that she just needed to hop over the fence, Y/N looked at the girl, " Ann's your friend, right? You have someone that cares about you, a friend that worries about you, a friend that will cry about you.... You know you don't want to leave her, you want to spend time with her, right?" Y/N was slowly climbing the fence hoping to grab the girl if she jumped, the girl looked down where you could see hear voice but she let out a pain voice, "I-I can't take this anymore."

Y/N eyes widen and saw the girl start to lean forward. Y/N grabbed the girl's arm while her other hand was clinging to the fence, the girl open her eyes and noticed she was dangling. The dull eye girl saw Y/N clinging onto her and the fence for their deal lives, and she heard Y/N speak in a strained voice, "I. Won't. Let. You. Go. You want to live, you may think this is the right answer, but it's not! Don't you want to have fun with Ann? Don't you want to have fun with your life and hang out with friends and family!?" The girl's lifeless eyes widen, and her eyes started to become scared. The girl tried to lift herself up to help but it accidentally made them both go down. The girl looked down and noticed students pulling out their phones and some screaming. The girl then heard a painful groan from Y/N, "Please just hold on, I can try to pull ourselves up." The scared girl knew that Y/N was slowly losing grip on the fence, so she tried to make Y/N let her go. Y/N started to grow scared from her losing her grip on the fence and now the girl, she only stuttered "P-Please h-hold on!" The girl merely shook her head, "I'm sorry." and she completely let go of Y/N's hand and Y/N lost her grip on the girl, "No!".

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