Chapter 9

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There is mention of attempt suicide. I had difficulties trying to type it up and thinking about how a person would respond to that situation, but I feel like I did a terrible job. I would like to say sorry in advance if it made you angry, upset or uncomfortable.


It was the early morning, Y/N got up and stretched her back. "Why does my back feel stiff? Maybe I didn't sleep well." Y/N slowly got out of bed and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast since her brother is possibly sleeping. Y/N was humming while making the batter for the pancakes adding a splash of vanilla and cinnamon. Y/N heard a door open and footsteps coming to the kitchen, "Morning Shida.". Kamoshida walked up towards Y/N and placed a thermometer in her mouth and took it out, "You aren't sick." quietly mumbled Kamoshida. Y/N heard what he said and elbowed him, "Is it that weird for me to be awake!?" Kamoshida gave the small h/c hair girl a serious look, "Yes. Yes it is." Y/N shook her head, and went back to making pancakes. Y/N was soon done making pancakes and was proud of herself for making a cat-cake. Kamoshida looked at his sister's cat-cake, "It looks like Mr. Kat." Y/N eagerly shouted, "Right! I wonder if it'll taste good." Kamoshida started to remember the times together with their parents and asked Y/N a simple question, but it was a question that would make her stop, "Do you... miss them?". Y/N stopped eating and stared at he cat-cake with a sad smile, "Well... of course I miss them. Who wouldn't miss their parents." Kamoshida looked away from his sister, "I'm sorry." Y/N looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "I'm sorry that we don't spend time together like before. We act more like strangers, than an actual family." Y/N softly smiles remembering the times where they use to play together when their parents decided to go out, "It fine Shida. It not like I'm alone. I still have a great brother, right?" after Y/N said that she felt wrong. Like it was wrong to say that, the words left a bitter taste in her mouth. Y/N quickly ate her cat-cake trying to get rid of bitterness, and soon her food was gone.

Y/N gathered her dishes and washed them, so she can get ready for school. Y/N put on her uniform and was slipping on her thigh high socks, and she glanced at her stuffed animals. Mostly looking at Mr. Kat, the body was mostly black but his paws and the tip of the tail were white. Y/N vividly remembered her mother giving it to her, before she passed..."Damm it Shida. You made me all emotional, and before school too." Y/N left her room and was walking out the door and noticed that Kamoshida has left, and soon she put on her shoes and left for school.

Y/N walk to the subways and started to slow down, by the entrance of the subway stood a tall figure with curly hair who seemed to be waiting for someone. Y/N got closer and noticed it was Kurusu, and she started to pick up her pace. Kurusu saw Y/N walking towards him, "Morning L/N." Y/N smiled to see Kurusu, "Morning Kurusu-san. Were you waiting for someone?" Kurusu looked at the h/c hair girl, "I was waiting for you. Why you ask? Would you get jealous if I was waiting for someone else?" Kurusu smirked out. Y/N just shook her head, "Oh how did you know?" Y/N let out an exaggerated gasp, they both looked at each other and laughed. "Well then, shall we go ma'dam?" Kurusu said. Y/N gave a small bow, "Of course, sir." and they both started walking to the subway. They entered the subway and managed to find a seat, "You can take it L/N." Y/N didn't want to take it, but Kurusu kept saying it was okay. Y/N sat down looked up at Kurusu who was holding onto the rails. "Did you managed to find the person you were looking for?" Kurusu looked down to see Y/N's e/c eyes, "Yeah. I managed to gather some information." Y/N gave him a confused look, but shrugged it off.

They got out of the subway where they continued to talk, but they overheard two volleyball members talking about Shiho. The first volleyball girl spoke "I can't believe Suzui-senpai missed such an important meeting. I wonder what happened." the other girl in a worried tone answered her friend, "Mr. Kamoshida asked to see her.." the volleyball girl started to fiddle with her hands, "You know, I've been hearing rumors about how Mr. Kamoshida and Suzui-senpai stay late. She always shows up to meetings though. It's weird she wasn't at the one yesterday..." Kurusu ears perked up at the mention of Ann's friend. He was concern for the girl, her eyes seem distant and she had bruises that littered her body.

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