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"Daddy wait for me!"
"D-daddy I don't feel good"
Helena would collapse to the ground
"Helena my dear are you okay?!"
That was the last voice she heard before she blacked out.

It was a week later, Helena finally woke up.
Everything was normal except her vision, her vision was blurry and myopic.
"Daddy, is that you?"
"Helena!! My dear you have awoken!"
"Daddy what is wrong with my eyes.."
Helena said while tears start to form in her dad's eyes
"It's nothing helena, your eyes will get better in no time!"

Although he knows that was a lie, the words comforted Helena.
But day after day her vision is getting worse.
A year later she fully lost eyesight to about 1 meters.
At this point she accepted the fact that she's going to go fully blind one day.

Years later, she received a letter written in Braille.
She thought it was from her father that is going to a business trip.
But as she read the Braille it's not the style that her father writes

  Oletus Manor invitation

Dear Miss Helena Adams.

I am here to inform you that you have been invited to Oletus Manor.
An asymmetrical game where you have been chosen as a survivor

If you win, we shall give a prize of 1.000.000$, we gladly wait your attendance.
Our Manor is designated at 3** street

The manor keeper, Oletus

"1.000.000$?!, That would be enough to get me to the college of my dreams!"
She said while reaching for her cane
"But a game? Asymmetrical? What does that mean?"
She stood up
"Well I must be cautious, as this is the first time in years I step out of my house"
She reached for her jacket and syal.
She rang her bell to a driver
And picked up the phone
"Hello Mr driver?"
"Yes miss Adams!"
"Can you accompany me to Manor I'm supposed to attend"
"Sure thing miss, just let me get the car ready"
"Thank you Mr driver!"

A message from the writer

Sorry for just uploading the prologue today..
I forgot that I haven't published it,
It was just sitting in my draft hehe.

And I'm sorry for just updating my story today.
I had a massive writer's block+ art block
So it was quite hard to get rid of it
Thankfully my friends were there to help me.

I may update it more tommorow or the day after.

See you
And thank you for reading my story 💓💓

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