Chapter three ✨

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I sat in the tub with my knees curled to my chest, the steaming hot water beaming on my naked body.

I let out silent cries, thirsty to better the altitude of the life I live now. Some days I want to pack my things and leave. Sadly, I know my dad wouldn't have that unless it were on his terms. He would probably do more than get physical with his hands.

I was his source of income, yet he never took care of me. Everything that I own now I had to steal. It's sad to even to know he's putting me through something so scarring but can't even put a hundred dollar bill in the palm of my hand to show he at least he has some sort of compassion for me being his only child regardless.

I finally got up and began washing up. Luckily today my father would be out all night. Whenever he goes to the casino he's always coming back crazy hours of the morning. I hopped out the shower, wrapping a thin towel around my small body. I stood at five-foot-two, my eyes big, brown and soulful. My jet-black curly hair typically stayed in it's natural wild state. I have my mothers full lips and small button nose.

I was picked on my freshman year of high school. Girls would laugh at me for wearing clothes that were many sizes up from my petite figure, and the boys would make fun of my weight, calling me anything under the sun in reference to being small and skinny.

I didn't weigh much back then, however, my body had changed over the years as the older I got. My hips and breasts were now well defined. Heading back to my room, I could see my mother still laid out on the couch.

I tried waking her up again last-night, but it was another failed attempt. It was strange to me because usually my mother would sleep her hangovers off and be functioning the next day. This morning was different. I hurried into my room, throwing on the quickest thing I could find in sight.

After getting dressing myself in a hurry, I went and saw to my mother. Something was off and I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

"Ma." I called out, shaking her body gently. "Seriously Ma, you need to get up." I continued my attempts to wake her. "It's almost noon." I added, her body was as still as ever. I began shaking her body with more force. My calls got louder, still she wouldn't respond.

I ran for the house phone in a panic. My hands trembled as I dialed the numbers on the keypad. The line rang and immediately someone picked up. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The woman questioned.

"My mother's been passed out for serval hours now. I've tried waking her, but it's not working." I replied from my end. "Okay. Does your mom have medical issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes or cancer?" The operator asked. "No. Not to my knowledge." I told her honestly.

"Alright. What's you and your moms name?" It seemed like she were wasting time asking so many questions, nonetheless, I understood it was apart of the job. "My name is Hazel Williams, and my mother is Sandra Williams."

"I have your location, Hazel. I'm sending help for your mom. In the meantime, can you tell me if your mom is on any medications or may have taken something?" The woman asked. There was a pause in the conversation. "She's an alcoholic who suffers from undiagnosed depression." I disclosed.

"I'll let the paramedics know that." There was ruffling going on in her background. I waited quietly beside my unresponsive mother while anticipating the arrival of the ambulance. The wait seemed forever until I finally could hear sirens getting closer. I allowed the two paramedics into our house. "How old is your mom?" The lanky brown skinned paramedic questioned.

"Forty." I told him. I watched as the two worked closely on my mother. I had no idea what it is they were doing, but she now had a tube in her mouth as the other paramedic with ginger spiced hair gently pressed down on it. "We're going to transport your mother to a hospital." The guy told me.

My heart skipped beats hearing his words. "Excuse me, miss, did you hear me?" He snapped me from my thoughts. "I apologize. What hospital are you taking her?" I asked, swatting tears from my eyes. "St. Bernard Hospital. You're free to ride with your mother there." He announced.

"Yes. Thank you." I ran to grab my bag and some shoes. I watched the paramedics load my mother into the back of the ambulance and got in behind the lady who was holding still keeping the tube held secured in her mouth.

Moments later we were rushing into the busy hospital. Doctors and nurses quickly tended to my mother and rushed her towards the back, through doubled doors.

"Are you related to the patient?" One nurse
asked while trying to hold me back. "Obviously!" I snapped at the woman. "Word of advice, sweetie, let the doctors do their job. In the meantime I need you to fill these out forms out for your..." she trailed off. "Mother. She's my mother." I took the clipboard from her hand.

I sat down in the waiting room filling out all the paperwork the nurse had given me. When I went back over to the front desk, I handed the same chubby lady back the clipboard. "Is there an update?" I stared into her eyes for answers.

"Not yet miss. The doctor will update you soon, I'm sure." She assured with a small smile. I shook my head in agreement before walking back to the waiting area. I mugged the guy who took my seat. "Um, I was definitely sitting there." I caused him to look up from the phone in his hand.

"My fault, didn't know your name was on it." He chuckled humorously. Wasn't shit funny in my opinion. "You gonna give me my seat back or continue being an ass?" I was well over being polite and straight up wasn't in the mood for anyone's shit.

"Family of Sandra Williams?" The nurse scanned the packed room with her grey eyes. I darted over to where she stood in a hurry, not bothering to look back at the asshole that stole my seat. "Are you the only family for your mother?" The tall and melanated doctor questioned. "No, but my father probably won't come, so it's just me. Is everything alright with her?" I looked from the doctor to the nurse.

"I'm sorry to inform you that your mother has passed away. She suffered from something known as alcohol ketoacidosis." The doctor broke the news to me.

"What?" I could feel my body becoming numb. "No, no, no, no. Go back there and save her!" Tears pooled my eyes causing my vision to blur slightly. "I assure you we did all we could." The nurse then held my body up in support. I swore I would've fell to the ground if she hadn't.

My whole world felt like it was crumbling down. My mother, the lady who gave me life.


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