Chapter 50: New Beginnings

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Rey's POV:

'Force, he really did just do that' I am shocked and surprised by the fact that I even had any tears left. After a few moments, I finally pull myself together long enough to give Ben an answer, "Yes," I say almost a whisper in between sobs. He swoops me up in a big hug, lifting me off my feet and smashes his lips upon mine. We both just stand there for a while hugging each other as tight as we can as we both cry tears of joy. Ben eventually pulls away enough to slip the beautiful ring on my finger. I am surprised it doesn't feel strange, instead, it feels as if it had always been there. "A perfect fit" He states in between a fresh batch of kisses. "Should we tell Finn and Poe or hide it for a while?" I ask him as I rub his nose with mine. "Let's keep it to ourselves for now unless someone asks you about the ring." He suggests. I nod my head in agreement. "Alright. I love you Ben Solo."

With as busy and emotional as this day has been for me I decided to head to bed early. I head towards the temporary bedroom we set up on the Falcon, Ben decides to follow me. Just being in here, knowing there is stuff going on in my sleep and I can't control anything sucks." I complain as I plop down on the bed. "I knew sweets but I do have some ideas that we can start trying tomorrow." He explains as he tucks me in and presses a kiss to my forehead. "Sweets?" I ask with a giggle. "That's what you're choosing to fixate on," He says in between laughs. We wish each other goodnight before he heads out and seals me inside.

Ben's POV:

I spend the next several hours in a meeting with Poe and Finn. There is still a threat against the galaxy; however, The Resistance does not have any leads on it at this time. All they know is someone had ordered Hux and Seth on what to do. Until they learn more, we plan on sending everybody to Resistant safe bases. We assign everyone who is at the temple to the new bases. "Where are you and Rey going to go?" Finn asks. The answer I have to give them is more complicated than they expect, I explain to them how we plan on staying here to help bring back the Gray Jedi Order. Finn looks on in confusion and asks what it is about. I also attempt to explain to them how this will affect mine and Rey's participation in future wars. They look surprised but ultimately you can tell they understand. They decided to stay here as well in order to continue Finn's training as a Jedi. With all that agreed-upon we call it quits for the night.

When I do get back to the Falcon, I can't help but stare at Rey as she sleeps through the security cams, I hate having to be separated like this from her. She was still suffering from what Seth had done to her. She still physically lashed out in her sleep and she became worried that she was going to hurt me in her sleep, although I disagree with her. But we agreed that we would sleep in the separate rooms until she can overcome the trauma just enough to where she can trust herself again. I slump into the chair in the middle of the surveillance room. I hope my idea helps her and we can spend the night together in each other's arms at last. I stare at the screen as I watch Rey's tiny frame toss and turn while struggling to find sleep. It pains me to watch her struggle like this. I opened up our bond so she could hear me, I decided to sing her a lullaby, one that my mother used to sing it to me when I got nightmares about Snoke as a kid. I let out a sigh of relief as I sensed her fall into a deep sleep. I watch her until I doze off in this uncomfortable chair yet again like I have had every night since we decided it was best to keep her there without me. 

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