I blink as I realize that Lindsay's right. I hadn't even noticed Michael's hand resting on her leg.

He blushes slightly as he removes his hand.

Two hours into the trip, Ashton starts complaining in the back seat.

"How much longer?" he whines. "I need to go pee. And I'm hungry. Does anyone have any food?"

"Be quiet," I mumble, pressing my head into Luke's shoulder. "I'm trying to sleep."

Luke shoots Ashton a sharp look as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. "Ash, just go to sleep," he murmurs.

"But I'm not tired," he complains.

"Ash, if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to go back there and kick your ass," Michael warns, leveling a fierce look at his friend in the mirror.

"I have a joint, if you want it," Lindsay suggests unhelpfully.

We all glare at her and she holds her hands up in surrender.

Ashton takes a deep breath.

"I swear to god, Ashton, if you say another word I will punch you in the mouth," Calum says darkly.

Ashton closes his mouth, scowling.

"Why don't we just make a quick stop at the next rest stop?" Luke says. "Get food, use the bathroom, stretch our legs a little?"

"I like that idea," Kayla pipes up, picking her head up from her phone.

Michael sighs. "Fine. Next stop, we'll take a break."

Ashton sits back contentedly, quietly entertaining himself, batting away Lindsay's hand as she tries to pass him a joint. She rolls her eyes and places it in her own mouth, swinging her legs up onto Calum's lap.

Michael pulls into the next rest stop and parks.

"Freedom!" Ashton yells, sprinting toward the bathroom, jumping up to click his heels together like a cartoon character.

Calum shakes his head at his friend, pausing on his way up to the vending machines to wait for Lindsay to catch up to him. He tries to slip his arm around her waist as they walk up but she elbows him, simply walking close enough to him that their hands brush.

"Are you coming?" Luke asks as he starts to get out of the car, realizing that I'm not moving.

"I'm tired," I whine, closing my eyes again. "Just get me a granola bar or something."

He sighs and reaches forward to scoop me up in his arms, carrying me toward the vending machines. 

I groan in complaint but don't say anything, burying my face in his chest.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Michael laughs as we join him at the vending machines. 

"Emmy didn't want to walk so I carried her here," Luke says with a shrug as he eyes the snacks. 

"What do you want, babe?" he asks me as he fishes in his pocket for money.

I point towards the bag of gummy worms, snuggling closer to him as he slides the coins into the machine.

"Here, hold these," he says, passing me the snacks as he moves to get bottled water.

Calum laughs as he looks over from the soda machine. "You guys just exist to show us how great of a couple you are, don't you?" he teases.

Luke grins. "You know it."

"Is that jealousy I'm hearing, Hood?" I taunt.

"You got me there. Lukey here's just so fucking sexy." Calum messes up Luke's hair with his fingers, causing him to scowl as he ducks his head away. "I should know, I've licked his abs. Have you gotten there yet, Emmy?"

I blush furiously, hiding my face.

"Has Lindsay gotten there yet?" Luke retorts.

Calum backs off immediately. "Hey, hey. We're all friends here."

I'm about to open my mouth to tease him again, but something over Luke's shoulder catches my attention.

"Look! A puppy!"

I jump out of his arms, passing the snacks to Calum as I sprint towards the dog playing on the open space of grass. It perks up and bounds over to me, wagging its tail happily as I pet it eagerly.

Luke jogs after me, shaking his head back and forth. "Leave it to you to only get excited when there's a puppy."

I scoop the dog up into my arms, getting to my feet to show it to Luke. The puppy licks Luke's face all over and my stomach hurts from trying to suppress my laughter.

"You're mean," he whines, sticking his lower lip out in a pout.

I set the puppy down and it runs back over to its owner that had been watching us with a smile.

"You owe me a kiss now," he adds with a lopsided smile.

I let him pull me closer, stretching up onto my toes to press my lips to his. He makes a soft noise against me as his fingers slide into my hair, deepening the kiss. I open my mouth, eager to taste him.

"Hey! What did we say about the PDA?" Michael calls as he stands on the path back to the car. "Come on, we gotta go!"

Luke pulls away ruefully, his gaze straying back down to my lips. "I guess we better go," he says finally, holding his arm for me.

I smile as I loop my arm through his. 

"How are we going to survive the rest of this car ride?" I joke as we walk.

"I have no idea, but whatever happens, we'll do it together." Luke gives me a surprisingly sweet smile as he holds the car door open for me.


I could get used to that.


I've missed you guys, how are you? <3

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