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It was one of those days when everything that could go wrong was going wrong. Normally this wouldn’t have upset me too much, but today was not just a normal day. It was my one year anniversary and I had spent the past month planning the perfect night. All in vain seeing as though my plans didn’t work out.

First, there were the dinner reservations at one of the best restaurants in LA, Water Grill. I had somehow manged to book seats on the rooftop patio which would showcase a gorgeous view of the setting sun and the rest of the Santa Monica pier. However, I was woken up to a call from the restaurant saying the reservations were cancelled due to rain damage and everything else was booked.

While this was upsetting I decided that I could at least make a romantic dinner. This proved even more difficult when I found that my fridge completely empty. On my way the store I was pulled over and got a speeding ticket, making me run even later. At the grocery store an old lady had started harassing me about my pastel, rainbow hair, I could not seem to find anything to make a complete meal, the lines were ridiculously wrong, and I had forgotten his wallet in the car.

By the time I finally got home, I was running out of time. I quickly started the meal and put it in the oven before rushing around to clean up the living room. I dimmed all of the lights, lit candles everywhere, and made the table look all pretty.

In my haste I had forgotten about pasta that was boiling away on the stove. I ran to the kitchen, pulling the pot off the stove only to see that pasta was ruined. It was completely stuck to the bottom of the pan and practically smoking at this point. I groaned and dropped the pan in the sink right before I heard glass breaking in my living room.

I quickly ran out of the kitchen only to notice that a candle had exploded, again. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes as I looked at the embers before quickly putting them out with a blanket.

I had only just finished patting down the small flames when I smelled smoke coming from the kitchen. Again I ran back to the kitchen only to see smoke coming out of the over. I quickly opened it and saw that while my apartment was not on fire, the chicken was. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and quickly put out the second fire.

I groaned out in frustration, tears now started to fall from my eyes in pure frustration as I slammed the open door closed. 

"I thought you said we were getting takeout, Ty?" A familiar voice asked before wrapping their arms around my waist from behind. 

"I was trying to be romantic and shit." I grumbled, not bothering to hide the tears as I relaxed back into the embrace.

"You’re an idiot." Troye said, burying his face between my neck and shoulder. I immediately felt myself relaxing slightly, forgetting about some of the troubles I went through.

"I thought you meant we could get take out and I got excited and brought us some take out. It’s been too long since we’ve just sat on your floor and ate out of containers." He said as he dropped small kisses along my neck and jaw. "There was no need for all this trouble."

"It’s your first anniversary with someone ever Troye, I wanted it to be special." I mumbled lamely, turning around to wrap my arms around my boyfriends waist. I smiled slightly into his jumper when he wrapped his arms around my neck, amazed at how quickly he could relax me from a full on meltdown.

"It’s you Tilly, all I want is a lazy night with take out, movies, cuddles, and maybe tumblr time. The fact that it’s you I’m spending my first, and first first anniversary with makes it special."

"It’s also going to be your last first anniversary if I have anything to say about it." I mumbled into his jumper, not happy with how none of my plans turned out but still glad that Troye wasn’t upset.

Slowly, Troye pulled away from me, grinning as he pushed some of my hair out of my face.

"I’m going to clean up the living room a bit, you dispose of that," he said, indicating to the oven, "and then come out and spend the perfect anniversary with me okay?" And with that he started to turn away but didn’t make it far before I grabbed onto his list and pulled him closer.

"Don’t I at least get a kiss? I did go through all this effo-" My whining was cut off my Troye’s lips against mine. Our lips moved together in a familiar pattern ad I wrapped my arms around Troye’s neck. Way to soon he pushed me away gently, pecked my lips one more time before walking off to the living room.

I quickly threw the burned chicken in the garbage and left the pan it was in to soak in the sink. I grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses before walking into the living room. In the few short minutes, Troye had managed to clean up all of the mess I had made and laid out our takeout containers on the floor.

I carefully sat next to him and poured us both a glass of wine, After handing a glass, I turned slightly to face him, a smile immediately covering my face as I took in the gorgeous sight.

"Haven’t you got tired of staring at my face in the past year?" Troye mumbled, his eyes averted to the floor as a blush covered his cheeks.

"Never, how can I ever have enough of your gorgeous face?" I replied without missing a beat. 

"Shut up," He mumbled, his cheeks a bright red as he spoke.

It still amazed me that even after a year of dating and years of flirting I could still make Troye blush. It wasn’t the same things that made him blush now however. When we first met, nearly everything I would even consider to be flirting left him blushing. As our friendship progressed he seemed to get used to the little flirting, making it harder for me to pull reactions out of him. Still I managed to through one simple technique, always letting my honestly and sincerity show in my voice. 

"Ugh just make a toast so I can eat." Troye groaned, the smile on his face indicating that he wasn’t as upset as he sounded.

"Glad to see you have your priorities straight," I laughed. "Well what do people usually toast to? A toast to us I guess."

"To free wifi!" Troye added, making me laugh again at his out burst.

"To ranch dressing on the side."

"To nutella."

"To cute butts."

"To your cute butt.”

"To you." I finished, gently clinking my glass against Troye’s before smiling up at him.

"Cheese ball." He said before he leaned forward and quickly pressed his lips against mine.

The rest of the night progressed like any other night for us. Cuddling on the floor, random movie playing in the background, scrolling through tumblr, and the more than occasionally make-out session. Even though it seemed like just a normal night, it was special. The fact that it was our one year anniversary just made me realize how no matter what we do, it will be the best day ever because I get to spend it with my best friend. I realized that night that this is how I wanted to spend not only the rest of my anniversaries, but how I wanted to spend the rest of my life.

A/n: Yes I know I'm supposed to be writing the next chapter for Not Jealous but I got a prompt on tumblr ( ;)) to write this and figured I'd post it here.

It's also not edited so shhhh, it's past midnight <3

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