Part One

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Today was Hyungwon's birthday. He didn't like to celebrate his birthday, he found it pointless. But today was different, he thought he'd buy himself a cake to eat with his best friend, who he'd known for years, Shownu.

He woke up early. Well as early as he could, which was 1pm. He got out of bed and hopped in the shower. Hyungwon stood in the shower, trying not to fall alseep, letting the cold water run down his slim body. After a while, he washed himself and hurried out of the shower. He put on some comfy clothes and sat down on his bed, drying his hair. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled softly.

Hyungwon grabbed his phone checking his messages, Hyunwoo had called him a couple times. He decided to call Hyunwoo back to see what he had to say. The phone rang a couple times before a sweet voice answered
"Hey Hyungwon~!"
"Hey Hyunwoo.." he said tiredly, still trying to wake up fully.
"Did you just wake up or somethin? You sound like a frog." Hyunwoo laughed a bit
"Well.. kinda.. I woke up about half an hour ago.. I want to go back to sleep." Hyungwon yawned into the phone
"You can't go back to sleep! You gotta go pick up the cake!" Hyunwoo said trying to get Hyungwon excited.
"Yeah yeah.. I know, I'm about to go get it" Hyungwon replied.
Hyunwoo chuckled "Alright, I'll let you go do that then."
"Okay.. I'll see you later." Hyungwon said about to hang up.
"Wait! Happy birthday Hyungwon~" Hyunwoo said sweetly then hung up.

Hyungwon smiled and stood up, putting his phone in his pocket. He grabbed his keys and walked out the door, locking it behind him. He walked down the stairs of the apartment complex and went outside. Hyungwon unlocked his car and got in. He sat there quietly, and sighed before starting up his car.

Hyungwon pulled into the parking lot of the bakery, parked his car, and went inside. He walked up to the counter and asked for his cake.
"It'll be a couple minutes, we have to put the cake in it's box" the lady at the counter said smiling softly. Hyungwon replied with a quiet "thank you.." and went to sit and wait for his cake.

After a few minutes passed, the lady called him back up to the counter. He paid for his cake, and the lady handed it to him. He turned around quickly and bumped into someone, causing the cake to smash against him and the person.

"What the hell? Are you okay?"

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