"Severus... There is one thing we need to talk about. I've been trying to find a good moment for it and now seems appropriate" Remus started

It was an odd thing to see Severus so nervous, even with his skills of looking emotionless, he couldn't conceal his inner agitation.

"Just tell me" the Slytherin managed to say, not looking at Remus

"I need you to be very honest with me... There were some times I felt you knew way too well what I had in mind... Things I thought but didn't say out loud and later you made comments about those things" Remus tried explaining to him, feeling stupid all the way

"I don't follow, Remus" Severus said frowning, this time looking at him

"What I mean is... Have you been using Legilimency on me?" Lupin finally asked


"That time you were making tea. I never said I compare you to a metaphysical entity. And after I transformed back, at night, in my room... I didn't ask you to change the song, I was about to get up! How do you know these things?" Remus asked starting to get nervous

"Watch your tone, Remus, it's a very serious thing you are accusing me of doing. You must have mumbled it to yourself and I overheard you" Severus said starting to get mad himself with a pinch of disdain on his voice

"Hey, my perception might play tricks on me, but I know I didn't say anything! You were facing the opposite direction in both cases, you tell me if you remember my exact words!" Remus said raising his voice once again

This time, Severus went silent. Remus hit precisely on a point that could prove him right. Severus couldn't remember the conversation they were supposedly having when Remus said that. Giving it some thought, he couldn't even remember having a proper context for that expression or the words Lupin used to ask him to change the song.

Snape was moving his eyes quickly from one point to the other without really looking anywhere and Remus was trying to decipher his expression.

"I... don't know what happened. I am certain these things came from you, but... now that you've mentioned... I can't recall you saying them to me... Still, I didn't use Legilimency on you, I'd never do that without your notice!" Severus said trying to explain himself, growing a new type of anxiety on his core

"So you know how to use Legilimency. Not everyone can, you know that" Remus said in a calculated way

Snape closed his eyes and sighed deeply. This was not going well for him.

"Yes, Remus, I can. But it's not that simple, I wasn't born with this ability, I had to study it for years!" Snape said angrily

"What do you even mean with that? You can still hear my thoughts if you want" Remus replied on the same tone

"I mean that for someone who wasn't born with the natural gift of Legilimency, using it requires deep concentration through the entire process. Believe me, you would be able to tell if I were inside your mind just by looking at me" Snape stated arrogantly, still trying to defend himself

"So how do you explain this? Honestly, Severus... I want to believe you... It's just hard to believe you didn't do it on purpose" Lupin said calming down on the last sentence

Severus touched his forehead with his hand, half thinking about how this could have happened and half trying to contain his emotions. It was rare for him to feel vulnerable during arguments and he was sincerely offended with the accusations. This was extremely unlike him, he thought Remus trusted him more than that.

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