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Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Life's been busy. It still is so things might continue to be slow. Thank you for your patience. Enjoy the chapter.

Percy POV

"The city is being attacked by aliens. We have a team handling the main threat, but backup is needed to get the civilians out of harm's way. Get the civilians to the subway stations and protect them there at all costs."

"No problemo." Percy replied as he stabbed the Chitauri that was outside of his apartment.

The city was swarming with the aliens.

Percy dove into the fray with gusto.

Percy ducked as a large muscled mass of raging green monster jumped over him and tackled a swarm of Chitauri. The Hulk his brain helpfully reminded him. Director Fury had been searching for Dr. Banner.

"Thanks!" Percy called out.

"Smash!" Came the reply.

The Hulk jumped off and Percy returned his attention to the fight.

More green in the corner of his eye made Percy turn to see another Hulk. A different one who was only smashing things half-heartedly.

'That's strange.'

Percy follows quietly after the second Hulk.

The Hulk turns down a street and Percy pauses a moment and looks at the street sign.

Bleecker St.

Percy peers down the street as the Hulk jumps up to the top of a building. Percy slowly approaches the building and peers into the building through the glass on the door.

It's dim inside and filled with older looking furniture. The floors look newly waxed. A grand staircase went up to the second floor.

Percy retreats back across the street and enters the building across from it. The door had been left open and Percy climbs up the stairs in hopes of getting a better vantage point to spot the strange Hulk again.

Percy was able to spot the Hulk talking to someone in yellow as he passed a window. Percy sighed and wished for binoculars or something to see better.

"What's even going on over there?"

The figure in yellow touched the Hulk and the Hulk collapsed. A shimmery figure, half obscured by the mist hovered over the Hulk's body.

Percy leaned in closer in interest. This wasn't normal for mortals to be dealing with. Percy considered interfering outside of his duties as a Shield agent.

The shimmery figure merged with Hulk's body and the figure in yellow moved on to showing him something else, using glowing lines to demonstrate.

The figure in yellow handed something over to the Hulk who accepted it and left.

Percy raced to follow only for the Hulk to toy with his watch and then vanish.

Percy stomped angrily.

Percy's communicator beeps with a new message.

Threat has been neutralized. Meet a Stark tower to coordinate clean-up.

Thanks for reading. I welcome constructive criticism. If you liked it please don't forget to vote.

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