Oikawa Tooru: Lets go live!

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You're laying side ways on your bed beside Tooru using your phone.

He randomly decided to go live on his instagram. He rises up his arm, phone in hand, then press the "go live" button. "Hey guys this is my girlfriend~" he bubbly introduced and pointed at you. You turned to face him with a "what are you doing" look but he somehow expected it to be a kiss which meant he was already leaning to you, eyes closed. As much as you wanted to you didn't do it, instead you decided to tease him. You hair flipped his face to face the opposite side which of course startle him. "Ah! (F/N)-chan your so mean!" However you ignored his wine and continued texting your friends. His teammates started commenting on the live video, like

Iwa: Girlfriend hUh?

Makki: Thats so cute! xD

Kindaichi: Nice one (L/N)-senpai!

And many more.

"Hey (F/N)?" Is what he asked repeatedly to get your attention but you still treated him as if he wasn't there. After a million "Hey (F/N)?"s you concluded that this will never stop, so you shifted to the side facing him with an annoyed face and he finally stopped. Then you quickly pecked his lips which shocked your mate because you rarely engaged in those types of stuff, "Happy?", you said. "No." the setter answered with a smirk, closed his eyes and leaned in for a long heartfelt kiss. You were basically a strawberry already but you didn't feel as if someone was invading you. It made you feel free not having a care in the world which was why you loved it so much. You realized the live video, quickly broke the kiss, slapped brunette and instantly turned away from embarrassed. "Hey why did you do that for?" The boy asked the obvious rubbing the location of the slap. "Do-don't do that!" You stuttered. "But I want to~" he replied with a pout.

Iwa:"Wow you don't have to rub it in"

Makki:"Kindaichi close your too young for this"

5th oneshot!!! :333

Haikyuu x reader one shots (still editing)Where stories live. Discover now